Jing Wang

Associate Professor

School of Mechanical Engineering

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China


2018                Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering), The Penn State University, USA                                  

2012                B.E. (Measurement, Control Technology and Instruments), Tsinghua University, CHINA

Academic Appointment

05/2022 present     Associate Professor, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

09/2018 – 04/2022       Postdoctoral fellow, advised by Prof. Neil Dasgupta and Prof. Anish Tuteja, University of Michigan

Project lead on anti-marine-fouling coating research supported by DARPA               

01/2013 – 08/2018      Ph.D. dissertation, advised by Prof. Tak Sing Wong, Penn State University 

Dissertation title: “Design and fabrication of bio-inspired multifunctional slippery coatings with novel functionalities”    

02/2012 – 06/2012      Senior Thesis, advised by Prof. Haitao Zhang and Dr. Haicui Ren, Tsinghua University 

Thesis title: “Simulation study on self-organized phase-locking of the waveguide array”                     

10/2010 – 05/2012      Research Intern, advised Prof. Xinjun Liu, Tsinghua University 

Project lead on optimum design of rider-bicycle mechanisms         

Academic Services

Journal reviewer: ScienceNature MaterialsNature CommunicationsScientific ReportsAdvanced MaterialsAdvanced Materials InterfacesACS NanoACS Applied Materials & InterfacesPhysics of FluidsApplied Physics LettersIEEE Transactions on NanotechnologyMaterials Advances, IMECE conference

Webinar organizer:  EASF (Engineering and Applied Science Forum)

Awards and Honors

2022 36kr Global Chinese Elite Power 100

2022 Forbs CHINA - 100 Outstanding Overseas Returnees

2021 National Science Fund CHINA for Excellent Young Scholars

2019    3rd place, Rice Business Plan Competition 2019 (out of > 300 teams)                      

2018    Cleantech University Prize National Competition: Top 3 Team (Dept. of Defense)              

2018    Wherry Graduate Fellowship, Penn State University                                                                 

2018    1st place, Allegheny Cleantech Competition ($50,000)                           

2018    Inventor Incentive Award, Penn State University                                                                              

2017    1st place, Materials Research Society (MRS) iMatSci Innovator ($2,000)                                               

2017    Inventor Incentive Award, Penn State University                                                                              

2016    NASA iTech Top 10 Innovation (SLIPS-LAB)                                                                                          

2015    3rd place, PPG Industries Annual Pitch Competition                                             

2013    PPG Industries Foundation Ph.D. Fellow                                                                                

2011    1st Prize, 2011 Student Research Training (SRT) Project (out of >1000 projects)

2010    1st Prize, 11th Machine Innovative Competition, Tsinghua University (out of > 50 teams)                                    

Copyright by Jing Wang.  All rights reserved.