
Control en Lazo Cerrado de un Péndulo Invertido Inercial

The design, construction, and closed-loop control of an experimental platform of the Inertial Inverted Pendulum Inertial Underactuated System was carried out. The nonlinear dynamics of the system were studied using the Euler-Lagrange method for the control design and the recursive Newton-Euler method for the mechanical analysis. Torque requirements for the actuator were derived through the design, simulation, and tuning of a linear and nonlinear hybrid controller. A selection of the electronic components and materials used for the system's construction and a detailed CAD model was made. This project aims to present, from a mechatronic approach, a study of the design of this experimental platform, as well as to generate introductory documentation for the analysis and control of nonlinear systems.

This work was carried out together with my colleague Jesús-Eduardo Pacheco-Villegas.