Course Work

Fall 2019

During Fall 2019 quarter, I was able to write 3 papers all within the Old and Middle English genre. I was also able to write a research paper about race and slavery and how it has been portrayed through different text during slavery. I was able to take a film class and learn the history that has allowed Hollywood to evolve to what it is today. I also joined UCLA's Westwind Journal of the Arts in the middle of the quarter and became a student publisher which has helped me become a better writer myself.


English 10A. Literatures in English to 1700

  • Survey of major writers and genres, with emphasis on tools for literary analysis such as close reading, argumentation, historical and social context, and critical writing.*

English 118A. Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature

  • Study of literatures in English in relation to other disciplines such as sciences, history, politics, philosophy, music, photography, visual studies, psychology.*

English M192. Undergraduate Practicum in English: Journals

  • Training and supervised practicum for undergraduate student editors of campus journals supervised by faculty members in English, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, and/or Writing Programs.*

Film and Television 6A. History of American Motion Picture

  • Historical and critical survey, with examples, of American motion picture both as developing art form and as medium of mass communication.*

Winter 2020

Throughout Winter 2020 quarter, I was able to learn about Chicano/Chicana literature and the movement that fell within it, especially influencing the LA/Chicano culture. I was able to also write three papers that focuses purely on poems and the meaning behind it. I also learned Mandarin Chinese, which was able to fulfill my language requirement, but most importantly, it allowed me to get in touch with the Asian culture and traditions. And lastly, I joined UCLA's Westwind Journal of the Arts and became a student publisher by critiquing fiction and creative non-fiction submissions.


English 10B. Literatures in English, 1700 to 1850

  • Survey of major writers and genres, with emphasis on tools for literary analysis such as close reading, argumentation, historical and social context, and critical writing.*

English M105C. Chicana/Chicano Literature since el Movimiento, 1970s to Present

  • Survey of Chicana/Chicano literature since 1970s, with particular emphasis on how queer and feminist activism as well as Central and South American migration have shaped 21st-century chicanidad. Oral, written, and graphic fiction, poetry, and drama by writers including John Rechy, Gloria Anzaldúa, Los Bros Hernández, Ana Castillo, and Dagoberto Gilb guide exploration of queer and feminist studies, Reagan generation, immigration debates, and emerging Latina/Latino majority.*

English M192. Undergraduate Practicum in English: Journals

  • Training and supervised practicum for undergraduate student editors of campus journals supervised by faculty members in English, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, and/or Writing Programs.*

Chinese 2. Elementary Modern Chinese

  • First-year Chinese*

Spring 2020

While in progress of Spring 2020 quarter, I am in the progress of writing 3 papers that focus on modern authors and their use of different literary devices to help prove their point. I will have learned the cultures of the Middle Ages through close reading texts and analyzing manuscripts. I have joined Westwind Journal of the Arts for a third quarter in a row and have been gaining writing skills that I would not have been able to practice and perfect without the job of critiquing other outside submissions. I will also be finishing up my Chinese language course in which I would have learned enough Chinese to at least get around in China. And lastly, I have joined University Studies class which is helping be the most successful transfer student I can be by allowing myself to practice good habits and learn all about UCLA's resources that are at my disposal.


English 10C. Literatures in English, 1850 to Present

  • Survey of major writers and genres, with emphasis on tools for literary analysis such as close reading, argumentation, historical and social context, and critical writing.*

English 148. Cultures of Middle Ages

  • Interdisciplinary survey of particular medieval societies, with special emphasis on complex interactions between different ethnic and cultural traditions of medieval world. Examination of processes of intercultural encounter and transmission: classical or patristic traditions into medieval culture, crusade, travel literature, and literature of contact zones, including interactions between Celtic, Anglo, and Norman societies, and debates between Pagans, Jews, Christians, and Muslims. May be repeated for credit with topic or instructor change.*

English M192. Undergraduate Practicum in English: Journals

  • Training and supervised practicum for undergraduate student editors of campus journals supervised by faculty members in English, Institute of the Environment and Sustainability, and/or Writing Programs.*

Chinese 3. Elementary Modern Chinese

  • First-year Chinese*

University Studies 10D. ACE UCLA | Critical Strategies to Achieve Undergraduate Excellence for Incoming Transfers

  • Designed to assist first-year transfer students in making successful transition to UCLA by focusing on academic, social, and emotional aspects of transition. Study of research university's history, mission, rigors, expectations of students, and pedagogical implications. Cultivation of formal space on campus where UCLA students learn to engage both diplomatically and collaboratively with diverse community of scholars; to comprehend and apply theoretical foundations of college student development; to navigate complex structure of UCLA; and to be fully aware of their value to intellectual fabric of institution as contributors to innovative research and scholarship.*

*All course descriptions are courtesy of UCLA Registar's Office "Course Description" catalogue, via