
Major: English

I love majoring in English at UCLA because I am allowed to express my thoughts and feelings on paper. I get full support and encouragement from all of the faculty in the English department. This major allows me to express my love of reading books because I am able to enter the mind of the author and live through their words. All things considered, the English major is able to keep old texts alive and relevant to our times today which I think is important because although out society is advancing; text will always remain concrete and stable.

After UCLA...

After getting my Bachelor of Arts in English, I plan on using my skills that I have attained throughout my time spent at UCLA, to help further my love of writing and self-expression through the work of becoming a scriptwriter for television and film. I may also look into becoming a content writer for different platforms such as a magazine or an online journal. The English major will open doors for me to experience different occupations and find the best one that fits with my aspirations.