
I just love

it when you have

that one teensy

weensy little


sitting there all alone

like a mooing cow

under a streetlight

in Los Angeles

then that whirly oxidized reactor

comes flying in towards that

carbon like a three bond nucleotide

and the mu on that baby’s like nothing

like one over a bgzillion infinities, yah

and it comes trucking on in and hits that

carbon like Babe Ruth busting a homerun

and shoooooooooooooooooooooh, it’s flying

over the stadium walls, feeling like it’s

riding a harley on a long black stretch of highway

and down below

the crowd’s chain reactions

are going off

kicking and twisting and twirling

like all the fourth of July’s ever

dropped in

on New Year’s eve

those nutty little atoms

that crazy little
