as you are

Storyline: There was once a person whose life became overwhelmed with questions. That man tramped off into the woods to find the answers, but was not to return for a very long time. The daughter he left behind imagines him back at home...

your inquiries branch out like

the limbs of a live oak

to provide shade

for thousands of ideas

I would that I were one of them

I would scamper to shelter there

and then

collaborate with them, saying,

"let's play hide ‘n seek. let's start

from under this tree."

hoping to set you up so

you'd do something

ridiculous, like create

a hologram of yourself

and leave it in your stead

while you searched out the concepts hid

in the hardest places

then I'd watch the hologram

under the night sky

reflect who you are.

it would forget itself sometimes

and look like the depths

of the sea with

an occasional jellyfish.