McWhirter and Rhodes children's story

The Chimbly Wimblies

There was a once a cave on the seashore

where the chimbly wimblies liked to climb.

The ocean waves rollicked and rolled in the cave

and the little chimbly wimblies, all along the walls

and cave top, jostled against each other, little

claws clinging to the rock, little furry tufts, like

tiny pink mohawks, sticking up on top of their heads…

The chimbly wimblies were communal creatures.

They liked to be together. They loved to chomp on

seaweed together, and snuggle up for naps, to climb

and explore the cave where they lived—hiding behind

the stalactites and stalagmites until they found each other.

They were wall creatures, who drank from a spring deep in the cave

and didn't go into the sea because the current was very strong.

One day a baby chimbly wimbly lost her grip on the

cave wall and fell, PLOP, into the sea! The chimbly wimblies

bristled and cried out, and their fur grew dark dark pink,

but no one could dive in to save her!

But just about the time that baby chimbly wimbly fell into the water,

a dolphin, Molly, had swum into the cave to do some exploring.

Upon seeing the baby chimbly wimbly plop into ocean

just a few feet away, she raced over, caught the baby up

into her mouth and rushed toward the surface. Woosh! Up

came Molly with the baby chimbly wimbly. All the chimbly

wimblies cried out in surprise! They did not know who Molly was.

What would she do with the baby? Would she help the chimbly wimblies?

For a moment there was silence. Molly looked around the cave, sparkling

with crystals, all the pink chimbly wimblies with wide dark eyes, staring at her.

Then the little baby chimbly wimbly began to wimper. And the mama

chimbly wimbly began to do the only thing she knew to do... She began

to sing. And all the chimbly wimblies began to sing too! And, what do

you think those chimbly wimblies sang? "Loo loo loooo, little chimbly!

You just do your wimbly thing! Loo loo loooo little chimbly! Wimble, and

womble and sing a ling ling." Molly's eyes got wide, as the chimblies

were singing in four-part harmony a very silly little chimbly song. The

baby chimbly heard her mama and started to do a little chimbly squirm.

Well, Molly wanted to say something, but she had the baby

in her mouth. So, what else could she do?

She swam over to a shallow place where the seaweed was high

and tossed the baby up into the air!

The baby chimbly wimbly flew through the air and started to come down

over a little ledge where her mama and other little chimbly wimblies were.

She landed (kerplop!) right on top of them.

All the chimbly wimblies cried for joy!

They were soo happy that they had a huge celebration for Molly

with lots of singing and exploring. Then when Molly had to go,

she promised to come back soon, and swam away singing

a little chimbly wimbly song.

Written by: Jen Seale
Illustrated by: Rachel McWhirter and Kressent Rhodes

© Jen Seale