
Please find my publications below

Indicators :  Google scholar, Research Gate


ArXiv 2021 "A Mutual Reference Shape for Segmentation Fusion and Evaluation", S. Jehan-Besson, R. Clouard, C. Tilmant, A. de Cesare, A. Lalande, J. Lebenberg, P. Clarysse, L. Sarry, F. Frouin, M. Garreau,  arXiv:2102.08939, février 2021

Book Chapters

WILEY-15 "Extraction and segmentation of structures in image sequences", O. Bernard, P. Clarysse, T. Dietenbeck, D. Friboulet, S. Jehan-Besson and J. Pousin, chapitre de livre dans "Multi-modality Cardiac Imaging'', pp. 3-52,ISTE WILEY 2015 


HERMES-15 "Extraction et segmentation de structures dans des séquences d'images", O. Bernard, P. Clarysse, T. Dietenbeck, D. Friboulet, S. Jehan-Besson and J. Pousin, chapitre de livre dans "Analyse d'images cardiaques et thoraciques'', collection IC2-Information et Science du Vivant chez Hermes-Lavoisier,pp. 25-82, 2015.

CHAPTER-11 "Medical image segmentation and tracking through the maximisation or the minimisation of divergence between pdfs'', S. Jehan-Besson, F. Lecellier, J. Fadili, G. Née, G. Aubert, chapitre dans Biomedical Diagnostics and Clinical Technologies: Applying High-Performance Cluster and Grid Computing. M. Pereira and M. Freire, editors, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-280-0.ch002, ISBN13: 9781605662800, ISBN10: 1605662801, EISBN13: 9781605662817, pp. 34-61, 2011

CHAPTER-05 "Shape gradient for image and video segmentation'', S. Jehan-Besson, A. Herbulot, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, dans Mathematicals Models of Computer Vision: The Handbook, Eds N. Paragios, O. Faugeras et Y. Chen, Springer, 2005.


BREVET1 ``Adaptive Peaking'' or "Pixel Processing", EP 07291192.8 avec NXP, M.Elhassani, M.Duranton, S. Jehan-Besson, EP Patent 07291192.8 (10/2008), US Patent (07/2010) 12681366Nom de personne. 2022. "Nom de l'article ici". Nom de la publication, 1er janvier 2023. 

International Journals

PLOSONE-15 "Improved estimation of cardiac function parameters using a combination of independent automated segmentation results in cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging", J. Lebenberg, A. Lalande, P. Clarysse, I. Buvat, C. Casta, A. Cochet, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. de Cesare, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Lefort, L. Najman, E. Roullot, L. Sarry, C. Tilmant, F. Frouin, M. Garreau, journal PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0135715, August 2015.


IRBM-14 "Statistical region-based active contours for segmentation: An overview'', F. Lecellier, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Fadili, IRBM Innovation and research in biomedical engineering, 35 (1), pp.3-10, 2014.

TMI-12 "Nonsupervised Ranking of Different Segmentation Approaches: Application to the Estimation of the Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction From Cardiac Cine MRI Sequences'', J. Lebenberg, I. Buvat, A. Lalande, P. Clarysse, C. Casta, A. Cochet, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. De Cesare, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Lefort, L. Najman, E. Roullot, L. Sarry, C. Tilmant, M. Garreau, F. Frouin, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 31, 8, pp. 1651-1660, 2012.

JMIV10-2 "An Augmented Lagrangian method for TV_g+L1 norm minimization'' J. Koko, S. Jehan-Besson, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 38, Number 3, pp. 182-196, 2010.

JMIV10-1 "Region-based active contours with exponential family observations'', F. Lecellier, J. Fadili, S. Jehan-Besson, G. Aubert, M. Revenu, E. Saloux, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Volume 36, Issue 1, pp. 28-45, 2010.


VLSI-08 "A time-consistent video segmentation algorithm designed for real-time implementation" M. El Hassani, S. Jehan-Besson, L. Brun, M. Revenu, M. Duranton, D. Tschumperlé, D. Rivasseau, VLSI design, Hindawi, Volume 2008 (2008), Article ID 892370, doi:10.1155/2008/8923702008.

JMIV-06 "Segmentation of vectorial image features using shape gradients and information measures", A. Herbulot, S. Jehan-Besson, S. Duffner, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Vol. 25, 365-386, 2006.


APPLIED-OPTICS-04 "From snakes to region-based active contours defined by region-dependent parameters'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Gastaud, F. Precioso, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, E. Debreuve, Applied Optics, special issue on methods for automatic target recognition, Vol. 43(2), 247-256, janvier 2004.


IJCV-03 "DREAM2S: Deformable regions driven by an Eulerian accurate minimization method for image and video segmentation'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, International Journal of Computer Vision, Vol. 53(1), 45-70, 2003

SIAM-03 "Image segmentation using active contours: calculus of variations or shape gradients?'', G. Aubert, M. Barlaud, O. Faugeras, S. Jehan-Besson, SIAM Applied Mathematics, Vol. 63(6), 2128-2154, 2003.

EURASIP-02 "A 3-Step algorithm using region-based active contours for video objects detection'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2002, n°6, pages 572-581, juin 2002.

International Conferences

CS2022 "Optimization of a mutual shape based on the Fréchet-Nikodym metric for 3D shapes fusion". S.Jehan-Besson, P. Clarysse, R. Clouard, F. Frouin.  International Conference on Curves and Surfaces, Jun 2022, Arcachon, France. ⟨hal-03697975⟩

GSI2021 "Optimization of a shape metric based on information theory applied to segmentation fusion and evaluation in multimodal MRI for DIPG tumor analysis", S. Jehan-Besson, R. Clouard, N. Boddaert, J. Grill, F. Frouin, book chapter in LNCS, 5th International Conference on Geometric Science of Information GSI 2021, July Paris

link towards the conference paper in Springer

link towards the pdf of the presentation

IPTA-16 "Comparison of 2D and 3D region-based deformable models and random walker methods for PET segmentation", K. Gosse, S. Jehan-Besson, F. Lecellier, S. Ruan, 2016 Sixth International Conference on Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications, décembre 2016 (IPTA), DOI, 10.1109/IPTA.2016.782095


ICIP-14 "A mutual reference shape based on information theory'', S. Jehan-Besson, C. Tilmant, A. de Cesare, A. Lalande, A. Cochet, J. Cousty, J. Lebenberg, M. Lefort, P. Clarysse, R. Clouard, L. Najman, L. Sarry, F. Frouin, M. Garreau, International Conference on Image Processing ICIP, pp. 887-891, Paris, France, 2014. Papier classé dans le Top 10% des papiers publiés à ICIP 2014.


CAIP-13 "A color-based selective and interactive filter using weighted TV'', C. Loosli, F. Lecellier, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Koko, International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Pattern CAIP, LNCS, York UK août 2013.

CPCV-12 "Uzawa Block Relaxation methods for color image restoration'', C. Loosli, F. Lecellier, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Koko, ECCV 2012, CPCV Workshop, LNCS Vol. 7584, pp. 492-503. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-33868-7_49

EMBC-11"Comparison of different segmentation approaches without using gold standard, application to the estimation of the left ventricle ejection fraction from cardiac cine MRI sequences'', J. Lebenberg, I. Buvat, M. Garreau, C. Casta, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. Cochet, S. Jehan-Besson, C. Tilmant, M. Lefort, E. Roullot, L. Najman, L. Sarry, P. Clarysse, A. de Cesare, A. Lalande, F. Frouin, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society, Boston, USA, août 2011.

SAMPTA-11 "Multiscale transforms for region-based texture segmentation'', F. Lecellier, J. Fadili, S. Jehan-Besson, International Conference on Sampling Theory and Applications (SampTA), Singapour, mai 2011. 

VISAPP-10 "Fast dual minimization of weighted TV+L1 norm for salt and pepper noise removal'', S. Jehan-Besson, J. Koko, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Angers, France, mai 2010, Best Paper Award


CAIP-09 "Significance tests and statistical inequalities for segmentation by region growing on graph'', G. Née, S. Jehan-Besson, L. Brun, M. Revenu, International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), Munster, Allemagne, septembre 2009.

EMBS-09 "A MRI myocardial perfusion analysis tool'', G. Née, S. Jehan-Besson, L. Brun, M. Revenu, M. Hamon, M. Hamon, M. Perrin, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medecine and Biology Society (EMBS), Minneapolis, USA, septembre 2009.

SSVM-09 "Optimization of divergences within the exponential family for image segmentation'', F. Lecellier, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Fadili, G. Aubert, M. Revenu, International Conference on Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision (SSVM), Norvège, juin 2009.

ICPR-08 "Region-based active contours and sparse representations for texture segmentation'', F. Lecellier, J. Fadili, S. Jehan-Besson, G. Aubert, M. Revenu, IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Floride, décembre 2008.

SSPR-08 "Significance tests and statistical inequalities for region matching'', G. Née, S. Jehan-Besson, L. Brun, M. Revenu, International Workshop on Statistical Pattern Recognition (SSPR), Floride, décembre 2008. DOI:10.1007/978-3-642-03767-2_114

ICECS-06, "A time-consistent video segmentation algorithm designed for real-time implementation", M. El hassani, D. Rivasseau, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Revenu, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun, M. Duranton, IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Nice, décembre 2006.

ICIS-06 "Vectorization of a statistical segmentation'', M. El hassani, D. Rivasseau, M. Duranton, S. Jehan-Besson, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun, M. Revenu,International Congress of Imaging Science, Rochester, mai 2006.

ICIP-06 "Region-based active contours with noise and shape priors'', F. Lecellier, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Fadili, G. Aubert, M. Revenu, E. Saloux, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Atlanta, octobre 2006.

ICASSP-06 "Statistical region-based active contours with exponential family observations'', F. Lecellier, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Fadili, G. Aubert, M. Revenu, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Toulouse, mai 2006. 

ICASSP-04 "Shape gradient for image segmentation using information theory'', A. Herbulot, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Montreal, mai 2004.

ICIP-04 "Shape gradient for multi-modal image segmentation using mutual information'', A. Herbulot, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, International Conference on Image Processing, Singapour, octobre 2004.

WIAMIS-04 "Shape gradient for multimodal image segmentation using joint intensity distributions'', A. Herbulot, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, Workshop on Image Analysis For Multimedia Interactive Services, Lisbon, Portugal, avril 2004.

ICIP-03 "Region-based active contours using geometrical and statistical features for image segmentation'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Gastaud, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, Special session : Partial Differential Equations and Differential Geometry in Image Processing organisée par V. Caselles and G. Sapiro, International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelone, septembre 2003.

ICCV-03  "Shape gradients for histogram segmentation using active contours'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, O. Faugeras, International Conference on Computer Vision, Nice, octobre 2003.

ECCV-02 "DREAM2S: Deformable Regions driven by an Eulerian Accurate Minimization Method for image and video segmentation, application to face detection in color video sequences'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, European Conference on Computer Vision, Copenhague, Danemark, mai 2002.

ICCV-01 "Video object segmentation using eulerian region-based active contours'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, International Conference on Computer Vision, Vancouver, Canada, juillet 2001.


ICIP-01 "Region-based active contours for video object segmentation with camera compensation'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, International Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Grèce, octobre 2001.


ICIP-01 "An object-based motion method for video coding'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, International Conference on Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Grèce, octobre 2001.

WIAMIS-01 "A 3-Step algorithm using region-based active contours for video objects detection'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, Workshop on Image Analysis For Multimedia Interactive Services, Tampere, Finlande, mai 2001.


ICPR-00 "Detection and tracking of moving objects using a new level set based method'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Barcelone, Espagne, septembre 2000.

International Conferences without reading committee

ESMRMB-13 "Combining multiple automated segmentations of the left ventricle in cardiac MRI : a statistical validation'', J. Lebenberg, F. Frouin, P. Clarysse, I. Buvat, C. Casta, A. Cochet, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. De Cesare, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Lefort, L. Najman, E. Roullot, L. Sarry, C. Tilmant, A. Lalande, M. Garreau,European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), octobre 2013. 

ESMRMB-12 "A reference free approach for the comparative evaluation of eight segmentation methods for the estimation of the left ventricular ejection fraction in cardiac MRI'', A. Lalande, J. Lebenberg, I. Buvat, P. Clarysse, C. Casta, A. Cochet, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. De Cesare, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Lefort, L. Najman, E. Roullot, L. Sarry, C. Tilmant, M. Garreau, F. Frouin, European Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine and Biology (ESMRMB), p. 658, Lisbonne, Portugal, 2012.


IMACS-11 "A dual decomposition method for color image restoration'', C. Loosli, J. Koko, S. Jehan-Besson, IMACS International Symposium on Iterative Methods in Scientific Computing, Marrakech, Maroc, mai 2011. 


JRIM-07 "Détection automatique des structures cardiaques pour l'analyse de la perfusion myocardique en IRM'', G. Née , S. Jehan-Besson, M. Revenu , M. Hamon, M. Hamon-Kérautret, Journées de recherche en Imagerie Médicale, France, septembre 2007.


MIA-04 "Shape gradient for image and video segmentation, Workshop on Mathematics and Image Analysis'', S. Jehan-Besson, A. Herbulot, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, Workshop on Mathematics and Image Analysis (organisé par le GDR Mathématiques des Systèmes Perceptifs et Cognitifs), Paris, Septembre 2004.

National Conferences

GRETSI-11a "Filtrage géométrique par minimisation de la norme TVg+L1'', C. Loosli, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Koko, GRETSI, Bordeaux, septembre 2011 


GRETSI-11b "Estimation d'une forme mutuelle pour l'évaluation de la segmentation en imagerie cardiaque'', S. Jehan-Besson, C. Tilmant, A. de Cesare, C. Casta, C. Constantinidès, A. Cochet, J. Cousty, M. Lefort, P. Clarysse, A. Lalande, L. Najman, L. Sarry, F. Frouin, M. Garreau, GRETSI, Bordeaux, septembre 2011.

RITS-11 "Méthodologie pour comparer différentes méthodes d'extraction de biomarqueurs sans méthode de référence. Application à la segmentation du ventricule gauche en IRM cardiaque pour estimer la fraction d'éjection'', J. Lebenberg, I. Buvat, M. Garreau, C. Casta, C. Constantinidès, J. Cousty, A. Cochet, S. Jehan-Besson, C. Tilmant, M. Lefort, E. Roullot, L. Najman, L. Sarry, P. Clarysse, A. de Cesare, A. Lalande, F. Frouin, Journées de Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies de la Santé (RITS), Rennes, 2011.

RITS-09 "Les contours actifs basés régions avec a priori de bruit et de forme'', F. Lecellier, S. Jehan-Besson, J. Fadili, G. Aubert, M. Revenu, E. Saloux, Journées de Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies de la Santé (RITS), Lille, 2009. } 

CORESA-06 "Conception d'un algorithme robuste de segmentation vidéo pour les applications temps réel'', M. Elhassani, D. Rivasseau, S. Jehan-Besson, M. Revenu, D. Tschumperlé, L. Brun, M. Duranton, CORESA, Caen, novembre 2006. 


GRETSI-05 "Utilisation des gradients de forme et des contours actifs basés régions pour la segmentation des vecteurs mouvement'', S. Jehan-Besson, S. Duffner, A. Herbulot, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, GRETSI, Louvain la Neuve, Belgique, septembre 2005.

GRETSI-01 "Contours actifs basés régions pour la segmentation des objets en mouvement dans les séquences à caméra fixe ou mobile'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, GRETSI conférence sur le traitement du signal et des images, Toulouse, septembre 2001.


RFIA-00 "Segmentation spatio-temporelle d'objets en mouvement dans une séquence vidéo par contours actifs déformables'', \itshape{S. Jehan, E. Debreuve, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, Congrès de Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Paris, février 2000.


CORESA-00 "Segmentation et suivi des objets en mouvement dans une séquence vidéo par contours actifs basés régions'', S. Jehan-Besson, M. Barlaud, G. Aubert, Compression et Représentation des Signaux Audiovisuels, Poitiers, octobre 2000.