Imposter Syndrome

Doubt can act as an impediment for artists - doubt in themselves, and doubts about their creative work.

Imposter syndrome is the moniker most often applied to this condition, but not by critics or fans. No, this malady gets thrust on artists by themselves. Thoughts along the lines of, "I don't deserve this. The work is crap. Why am I doing this? Who would care about this?" And other endless streams of invectives and put downs.

Never considered myself immune to this, either. It's all too easy to fall prey to this lousy set of affairs. The resulting anxiety, procrastination, and other related ill-effects become detrimental to creativity and the work you are trying to do.

Thankfully, this doubt isn't always around. The ups and downs of artistic moods swing to low lows and even higher highs. And there's a lot of middle ground hovering between those two extremes.

Overcoming these shifts proves to be a battle most artists fight. Winning isn't easy, and the results are often a draw, and in some tragic cases, a total loss.

Does knowing so many others share your pain make overcoming your own any easier? Maybe. Perhaps not. However, if these destructive mood swings and full-on imposter syndrome adversely affects you and your art, this becomes a key area for you to work on and overcome.

Start with these resources:

Podcast Discussion of Imposter Syndrome from Public Libraries Online

In-depth article from Psychology Today