Nonfiction Stances

When using this note-taking device, students will initiate a note when they hear something that surprised them or seemed important. The next step is to determine who provided that information: a reporter, an expert, or a primary source. From there, they will timestamp, note the information, consider what that person thought they (as the listener) already knew, and determine what more they would want to know. This process can help students to acknowledge vocabulary or knowledge gaps that exist as plan for deeper learning.

Finally, there is an episode-ending slide. This allows students to consider author's purpose (in addition to perspective and possible bias), reflecting on the impact made upon them as listeners, and critically consider the value of the episode. These ideas can be addressed at a basic level for middle grades or really dug into for older learners!

This strategy is based on the Nonfiction Questioning Stances from Reading Nonfiction: Notice & Note Stances, Signposts, and Strategies by Beers & Probst.