What is NHS? 

Jefferson NHS is a local chapter of the National Honors Society. We are a group of students committed to improving our community through outreach and volunteer work. We also work to improve our own academic excellence as well as aid others in achieving academic success.

We require that members accumulate a number of volunteer hours each year to positively impact their communities. In addition, we require our members to perform at a certain academic level.


Please go to this LINK to register and pay for NHS for the upcoming school year. An activity fee of $20 will be charged to pay for NHS affiliation, pins, and supplies for service projects.

You only pay this fee if you were accepted into NHS in the spring of 2023. 

Student Leaders

Co-presidents: Kehan Chen and Dhruvika Uppal

Communications: Olivia Laechelt

Treasurer: Alex Malecha

Volunteer Coordinators: Annika Shermak and Ella Lindstrom 

Tutor Coordinators: Darja Kalin and Renee Peacha

NHS Email


Contact us if you have any questions or concerns!