Our Vision... Jefferson County is a thriving, healthy & safe community for our youth.

Our Vision

Jefferson County is a thriving, healthy and safe community for our youth. 

Our Mission

Jefferson County Communities That Care is a coalition comprised of more than 100 stakeholders, community members, key leaders and youth. We use a structured, evidence-based community change process focused on preventing substance misuse, sexual/relationship violence and hopelessness/anxiety among youth in our community by reducing risk factors and improving protective factors.

Jeffco CTC Board Members reflections on our vision & mission. Board Retreat, February 2022


The Jefferson County Communities That Care (CTC) Coalition is engaged in a structured, evidence-based community change process focused on preventing youth substance misuse, interpersonal violence, hopelessness and anxiety among youth by addressing risk and protective factors. Our vision is a Jefferson County that is a thriving, healthy and safe community for our youth. The coalition's efforts have been primarily focused on youth who live, attend school or work in Jefferson County Colorado. Jefferson County CTC has completed an extensive data and resource assessment using adolescent health data collected through the Healthy Kids Colorado Survey in 2017 and 2019, along with a variety of other data sources including qualitative data collected at an annual youth town hall. Jefferson County CTC coalition members completed a resource assessment by surveying community stakeholders to better understand gaps and needs in our community. Our coalition is taking a unique approach to addressing these issues by focusing on coordination of community efforts that support parents and caregivers of teens, in addition to the teens themselves. Some of our coalition's initiatives include: Youth Internships for high school students to plan and host an annual town hall, among other projects; the Twelve Talks to Have With Teens project (twelvetalks.com) connecting parents and other adults with local resources, data, a JeffcoTeens.org website and Instagram handles to share youth  opportunities and positive social norms, conversation starters and guidance on a variety of issues; a Trustable Adults (trustableadults.com) initiative coordinating training programs for adults who work with  youth; a Navigating Substance Experimentation in Teens parenting workshop in both English and Spanish; and work on multiple policy change initiatives.


Current funding includes:

The Jeffco CTC coalition does not receive county or city funding and all safe salaries with fringe, technology costs, travel, coalition costs and contracting is paid though grant funds. Additionally, approximately 30% of the above funds are used for indirect, which is currently paid to Jefferson County Public Health through December 31st, 2022. Beginning January 1st, indirect will be paid to CNDC. 

We prioritize

The collaborative creation of our Jeffco CTC Vision & Mission, September 2017

Board members used infinity grouping exercises, followed by in depth small and large group discussions, to arrive at our major priorities and goals long term.

Note: if the visioning document below doesn't open, try https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YJYr39lHJa2Vw0syVfErT6V8UjU1hu7Sdaep_IJwpv0/edit?usp=sharing 

CTC visioning results

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