Senior Researcher. Dynamics of adaptive migration aspirations in Nepal and beyond (DYNAMIGS).  (2024-2026)

Team Leader. Sectoral diagnostics of informality in agriculture, forestry, fishing, and aquaculture sector. Funded by ILO Nepal.  (2024)

Team Leader. Study on social protection needs of the Street Vendors in Kathmandu Valley. Funded by UNDP Nepal.  (2023) 

Co-Investigator. Planning and preparedness for the mountain hazard and risk chain in Nepal. In collaboration with Durham University, Northumbria University, Oxford University, University of Newcastle, University of Auckland, Canterbury University, University of British Columbia, Bristol University, Tribhuvan University, NSET,  among others. Funded UKRI’s GCRF Collective Programme (2021-2023).

Collaborator (Nepal). Reintegrate.  In collaboration with University of Amsterdam at the Department of Political Science, Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR). Fnded by the European Research Council under a Starting Grant (2021-26).

Advisor and Researcher, Support Development of Labour Migration Report 2022 (for Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security).  Funded by ILO (2022).

Advisor and Researcher, Towards decent work: Identifying extent, circumstances, factors and nature of informality and decent work deficits in garbage collection, cleaning, and sanitation sector in Nepal. Funded by ILO (2022).

Principle Investigator (Nepal), Evaluation of One Heart Worldwide’s Network of Safety Model in Nepal (with Global Health Policy Lab Dartmouth College, USA, Nepal. 2019-2020.

Researcher, Research into Blended Volunteering in Nepal, Collaboration with Northumbria University , UK (2021).

Team Leader, Assessment of Labour Administration in Nepal, for Ministry of Labour Employment and Social Security. Commissioned by ILO (2021)

Senior Researcher, Micro Level Supply and Demand Analysis of Skills of Nepalese Migrants. Subcontracted by Ernst & Young LLP India, Commissioned by IOM Nepal (2021).

Co-Investigator. Evaluating Governance Reform in Nepal Using a Case-Control Approach, in collaboration with PIs Sudhanshu Handa and Brigitte Seim (Zimmerman), Public Policy, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and Daniel Pamstein, Political Science, North Dakota State University. Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL) Large Project Grant: (2020-2023). 

Team Leader, Access to Legal Support for Migrant Workers for Violations in the Recruitment Process in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges, Funded by ILO (2020-21)

Team Leader, Analysis and Reporting on Civic Space and Engagement in Nepal, Commissioned by FHI360 (2021)

Project Manager and Researcher,  Freedom of Religion in South Asia (with Minority Rights Group International. Funded by European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EU-EIDHR). 2018-2021. 

Co-Investigator and Coordinator, States Delivering for Poor People: Improving Outcomes through Stronger Evidence, Implementing partner(s): The University of Manchester & Dr. Indrajit Roy of the University Of York,  UK .  Funded by ESID - DFID. 2018-2019.

Principle Investigator (Team Nepal),  Exposure and impact of air pollution on urban population in HKH region.  Commissioned by International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Nepal.  2019-2020

Principle Investigator, Technical Support to the Government of Nepal in Developing a Monitoring and Reporting Framework on Labour Migration-related Sustainable Development Goals, targets and indicators. Developing Global Compact for Migration (GCM) National Implementation Strategy.   Commissioned by ILO.  2019-2020.

Principle Investigator, Political Economy Analysis of Labour Migration Governance in Nepal. Commissioned by ILO.  2018.

Co-Investigator, After the Earth's Violent Sway: the tangible and intangible legacies of a natural disaster, Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Research Grant: Standard. UK. The Project is managed by researchers based at The School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), South Asia Institute UK ( 2017-2020. 

Co-Investigator and Research Manager, ‘Clientelism, Censorship, and the Middle Class: Experimental Evidence from Nepal’, Funded by (Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem). 2018.

Research Coordinator & Adviser, Expertise, Labour, and Mobility in Nepal’s Post-Conflict, Post-Disaster Reconstruction: Construction, Finance and Law as Domains of Social Transformation ( The project is managed by University of British Colombia and funded by SSHRC, Canada.  2017- 2019. 

Principle Investigator and Research Manager, Children in Emergency. Situation Analysis and Policy Review. Save the  Children. 2018. 

Co-Investigator & Team Leader Nepal, A Comparative Analysis of the Documentation of Torture and Ill-treatment in Low-Income Countries. Social Science Baha/University of Edinburgh/Dignity Institute Against Torture,  Jointly supported by the ESRC and DFID. 2015. 

Co-Investigator and Project Coordinator (Nepal), Work, family and pensions: Old age income security in Bangladesh, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The project was funded by UNFPA & HelpAge International. 2015. 

Co-Investigator and Research Coordinator, Disaster, Disabilities & Differences: A Study of Challenges Faced by the Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in the Post-earthquake Nepal. Funded by UNDP Nepal. 2016.

Co-Investigator and Research Supervisor, Socio-Political Impacts of Remittance Economy, Commissioned by The Asia Foundation. 2016-2017.

Co-coordinator and Co-Investigator, Gender in War to Peace Transitions and Political Settlements in Nepal. For Conciliation Resources (CR) London).  2017 

Co-Investigator, Nepal Earthquake 2015 and Its Aftermath. A joint research project of Social Science Baha and University (longitudinal study 2015-2017). 

Co-investigator, Institutional Capacity of Nepal’s Diplomatic Missions and Nepalese Diaspora Organizations in Malaysia, India and Qatar: Its implication for protection of the Nepali Migrant Workers’ Rights.  Supported by IMI, Open Society Foundation. (2016-2017).

Principle Investigator and Team Leader, Evaluating and Monitoring Health Service Strengthening Project in Makwanpur District of Nepal implemented by BNMT Nepal. Commissioned by Americares (2017-2018). 

Co-Investigator, A Study on the Causes of Women’s Migration for Foreign Employment and Ways to Reintegration into the National Labour Market. Commissioned by UN Women Nepal (December-July 2017).

Co-investigator, Evaluating Humanitarian Responses to the 2015 Nepal Earthquake, 2016-2018.  Supported by AJWS. 

Co-Investigator, Migration of Health Workers from Nepal. Research carried out by CESLAM. Supported by ILO. 2016.

Co-Investigator, Migration and Resilience: Experiences from Nepal’s earthquake 2015. Funded by ILO and Open Society Foundation.  2015. 

Co-Investigator, A Study on the Socio-Economic Impact of the 2015 Earthquake on Female-Headed Households in Nepal, Nepal, Women for Human Rights, (Nov 2015 - Dec 2015).