Panelist. Political Economy  Dynamics of Youth Student Drain. Student Fair 2081.

Panelist,  Roundtable: Working Across Disciplines: Socio-environmental and Socio-technical Interfaces in Himalayan Research. Himalayan Studies Conference. University of Toronto.13–16, October 2022. 

Panelist, Roundtable Discussion: Access to justice for recruitment-related abuses'. Fair Recruitment Initiative Knowledge Hub, ILO, Fair Recruitment Initiative, ITC ILO. 7 July 2022. 

Speaker, Asia Federalism Dialogue 2021: Migration Policies in Federal Countries. Hanns Seidel Foundation India. June 9, 2022.

Speaker, Revisiting the Global Compact on Refugee and Migrant Workers' A Summer Camp. Organized by Calcutta Research Group [CRG], Institute for Human Sciences, Vienna [IWM], Nepal Institute of Peace [NIP], Alliance for Social Dialogue [ASD]. 21-23 May 2022, Kathmandu, Nepal

Speaker, Seminar Series: African Studies and South Asian Studies Activism and Researching Activism: Covid-19. Organized by African Studies and South Asian Studies Centres, Oxford University. 1 March 2022.

Speaker,  Insuring Social Justice through Labour Market Reform, High level panel Discussion. Organized by Joint Joint Trade Union Coordination Centre (JTUCC) & The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) Nepal, 13 December 2021. 

Speaker, Workforce 2025, The Triangle Conference. Session 7.  25-27 November 2021. Organized by Annapurna Express.

Speaker, Migration and Labour Diplomacy. International Conference on Understanding Nepal’s Foreign Policy. Nepal Institute for International Cooperation and Engagement (NIICE), 28 November 2021.

Speaker, Covid-19 and its impact on return of migrant workers. National Conference of Returnee Migrants. Organized by National Network for Safe Migration (NNSM), 28-29 October 2021.

Speaker, Lessons Learnt During the COVID-19 and the Advocacy Opportunities for Reform.  Peer Exchange between African and Asian Trade Unions and Civil Society. 08 October 2021. Jointly organized by Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA), the International Labour Organization (ILO), South Asia Regional Trade Union Council (SARTUC), and the International Trade Union Confederation - Africa (ITUC-Africa). 

Speaker, Ensuring Safe Repatriation of Nepali Citizens from Afghanistan, Diplomats' Forum Series 3 on 'Nepal and South Asia after US withdrawal from Afghanistan. Organized by Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 12 September 2021. Kathmandu Nepal. 

Speaker, Labour Migration Diplomacy. Journal Symposium: Reflections and Experience Sharing. Organized by Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 19 August 2021. Kathmandu Nepal. 

Speaker, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery: Why are Modern Slaves? 27 January 2021. The Moving Forum, The Book Bus Nepal. 

Speaker (with Prof. Sara  Sara Shneiderman), 'Governing labour migration during COVID-19: Views from Nepal'. 02 October 2020. Policy Salon, SPPGA & SPPH The University of British Colombia University. 

Speaker, 'Nepali migrant workers and their rights during the COVID-19 Pandemic.' Tuesday Digital Seminar Series. 15 September 2020. Organized by Martin Chautari, Kathmandu Nepal. 

Speaker, ‘Social and Economic Integration of Returnee Nepali Migrant Workers’. Nepal Association of Humphrey Fellows. 08 July 2020.

Panelist, ‘Safer migration, productive migration and return migration as priorities’ in ‘Safer and More Productive Migration for South Asia: A Forum for Knowledge to Action.’ Anantara Saim Hotel Bangkok, 5-6 December 2019. Organized by KWPF, KNOMAD & WB Group.  

Panelist, National Consultation Workshop on Ethical Recruitment to Minimize Risks of Modern Slavery and Promote the Rights of Migrant Workers.  Organized by International Organization for Migration, Kathmandu Nepal 25 October 2019. 

Panel Convener, 'From Epicentre to Aftermath: Ethnographic and Historical Views of Post-Earthquake Nepal (double panel).' The Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya. Kathmandu Nepal 24-26 July 2019. 

Panelist, National Labour and Employment Conference 2076, ‘Labour Migration: Prospects and Challenges’.  Organized by Ministry of Labour Employment and Social Security. 30 June – 01 July 2019. Kathmandu Nepal. 

Expertise, Labour, and Mobility in Post-Earthquake Reconstruction: Comparisons and Findings from Nepal’s 2015 Earthquake, Symposium at Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, 28 May 2019. 

Panelist, ‘Learning Together from the Post Earthquake 2015 Experience’. 7 March 2019. Organized by The Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS). Budanilkantha, Kathmandu. 

Participant from Nepal, 4th Inter-governmental Negotiations on Global Compact on Migration (GCM), 14-18, UN Head Quarter, New York. 

Briefing on 4th Inter-governmental Negotiations on Global Compact on Migration in the National Consultation on Global Compact on Migration, 28 May 2018, Organized by Building and Wood Workers International (BIW). 

Health Issues of Migrant Workers and Policy Review. Organized by National Network for Safe Migration/ HELVETAS, SaMi, 29 April 2018 .  

What does migration mean in the home front? Implications for land and social change in Nepal, Organized by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), Forest Action, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the Migration, Agriculture and Resilience: Initiative for Sustainability (MARIS) Network and Social Science Baha, 16 December 2017, Lalitpur, Nepal.

Reconstruction and State Restructuring in Nepal after 2015: A Community Forum’, September 17, 2017, University of British Columbia, Robson Square Campus, Vancouver Canada. Organized by NCSBC and the UBC Himalaya Program. 

Social Media, Youth and Political Participation. 29 October 2017'. Hotel Himalaya, Lalitpur, Nepal. CMR/FES-Nepal. 

Dynamics of Labour Migration: Insights from Nepal’s Experience. Presented to Ethiopian NGO Nepal Learning Visit/Geneva Learning Group Hotel Mulberry, Thamel Kathmandu 21 August 2017. 

'Migration and Resilience: Experiences from Nepal's 2015 Earthquake’ for the Event on ‘Coping with Disaster’ SciDevNet/INASP Kathmandu Guest House 2016

With Bandita Sijapati and Deepak Thapa, 2015. Surviving the 2015 Nepal Earthquake and Its Aftermath. Presentation in the School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh, UK. 21 September 2015.

With Bhaskar Gautam, Mallika Shakya and Austin Lord, 2015. Earthquake 2015 and Social Scientists: Reflections from the Field and Afar. Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya 2015, Panel Discussion moderated by David Gellner (University of Oxford), 23 July 2015 (Thursday). 

Transitional Politics of Nepal, Immigration Appeals Board (Utlendingsnemnda), Stenersgt 1 B/C, Oslo Norway, 18 October 2010. 

Child Labor in Nepal, Asia Center for Human Rights (ACHR), Seoul South Korea, 2006.