1st October 2023at FANINDRADEB INSTITUTION (FDI) JalpaiguriOrganized By JDPA

GROUP A   - Nursery to  UKG

Subject -  AS YOU LIKE

GROUP B   - Class One  to Class Three 

Subject -  VILLAGE  SIDE

GROUP C   - Class FOUR  to Class SIX

Subject -  DURGA PUJA

GROUP D   - Class SEVEN  to Class TEN



DATE :  01- OCT-2023

TIME :  10:00 AM to 12:00 PM


For Details kindly contact with us..

Mobile : 9832059782 &  9126457034Email Id :

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Art Fusion Success Story

The Jalpaiguri District Photographic Association has a remarkable success story attributed to its "Seat and Draw Competition," which has become one of its most celebrated programs. This competition has consistently generated immense enthusiasm among children and their parents alike, making it a standout event in the region.

At the heart of this success is the association's belief that photography and painting share deep-rooted connections. They recognize that various elements, such as form, composition, the use of color, and the interplay of light and shade, are equally significant in both artistic mediums. This belief has formed the foundation of the Seat and Draw Competition, which brilliantly merges these two art forms.

What sets this competition apart is the sense of community it fosters. Parents play an active role in supporting their children, attending workshops, and helping them prepare for the event. It becomes a bonding experience, strengthening the parent-child relationship and nurturing a shared appreciation for the arts.

The competition has not only ignited creativity among participants but has also promoted the appreciation of photography and painting within the community. Attendees and viewers witness the close relationship between these two art forms, gaining a deeper understanding of how form, composition, and other elements intersect in both mediums.

Over the years, the Seat and Draw Competition has grown in popularity and prestige. It has become a symbol of artistic excellence in the Jalpaiguri District, attracting participants from neighboring areas and garnering attention from art enthusiasts across the region.

The success of this program serves as a testament to the Jalpaiguri District Photographic Association's commitment to nurturing artistic talent, fostering creativity, and bringing the community closer to the world of photography and painting. Through their innovative approach, they have not only created a thriving artistic competition but have also enriched the cultural tapestry of the region, leaving an indelible mark on the artistic landscape.