
Hi, I'm Jaylen Boyce

I am an undergraduate college student infatuated with all things surrounding the ocean aspiring to become a marine biologist. I am pursuing a bachelor of science degree in marine biology with a minor in scientific diving at Nova Southeastern University. I am a part of the 2023 graduating class from the Urban Assembly New York Harbor School in the Marine Biology Research Program (MBRP) career and technical education (CTE) program. My future goals include contributing to the restoration and rehabilitation of various marine ecosystems with a focus on shark and coral research. 

Notable Projects


Recirculating Aquaculture System:

Oyster Tank

 Placed 2nd in the Intermediate Marine Biology Research 2021-2022 Projects. 

210505_Team02_Difference _In_Air_Quality_Between_Communities

Observations of Air Quality In Neighborhoods Around NYC


RipRap Project 2021-2022 

Contact me at:

