
Welcome to my website again. Here you can find details of my research.  I am a third year graduate student  working in the Quantum Measurement group of IIT Kanpur under the supervision of Dr. Saikat Ghosh. My research interest lies in studying the mechanical properties of nanoelectromechanical resonator system (NEMS). Our NEMS consists of graphene and SiNx membrane kept in an interferometric configuration in which vibrational modes of coupled graphene and silicon nitride resonators are probed and investigated. Details about experimental techniques, setup and sample can be found here. This NEMS has recently exhibited various non-equilibrium steady states ranging from time crystal to realization of a nanomechanical heat engine. 

Technical details      Time crystal     Nanomechanical  engine with tunable operation        Chaos


We work on building and experimenting on a range of instruments including external-cavity-diode lasers, temperature controller, current controller, lockbox for feedback locking schemes, detectors, current amplifiers, switches and FPGA programming. Details are here. For more technical details, feel free to contact.