
The summer of my Junior year, I received the great honor of joining Dr. Fatima Rivas' research lab, a lab that focuses on drug discovery and the synthesis of novel organic compounds to combat diabetes and breast cancer. I was assigned with a cooperative project with another research lab focusing on the synthesis of naturally occurring anti-diabetic compounds. Building on that, I have joined programs like The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), McNair, SOARS, and the Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Program (DURP) to enhance my research experience. In DURP, active candidates will receive a medal of honor upon graduation in recognition of their efforts in the program. These programs assisted me in many ways, including supplying me with leadership training, creating opportunities for community involvement, and generous financial compensation. All of which led to my first research presentation at the SACNAS National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference in 2022. Working daily in lab has given me the dexterity and precision to perform clinical operations, and it has also trained me to be able to establish healthy relationships with my faculty members and co-workers. 

My Research

Rivas Research Lab

The Rivas Research Lab is dedicated to drug discovery, specifically the synthesis of novel organic compounds to combat metabolic diseases. In this lab I have developed skills such as operating a rotovap, column chromatography, thin layer chromatography, using programs such as PyMol, Hermes, Gold etc. By operating in lab I have also developed a keen sense of spatial awareness, hands on capabilities, an analytical mindset, and so much more. These are the skills that will be very beneficial to me in the future, because knowing how to operate complex machinery and having the soft skills to complement it is becoming increasingly necessary for careers in dentistry and teaching.

To learn more about the Rivas Lab, click Here

Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) National Diversity in STEM (NDiSTEM) Conference

During the year 2022, I had the honor of attending the prestigious NDiSTEM conference from SACNAS, sponsored by Amgen, J&J, and The NIH. I was among one thousand scholars nationwide selected to receive a travel scholarship to fly out to Puerto Rico with the goal of presenting my research on the organic synthesis of prenylated coumaric derived anti-diabetic compounds. During the conference I had the opportunity to gain valuable feedback from professors, professionals in academia, and those in industry.

To learn more about SACNAS, click Here

Emerging Researchers National Conference in STEM (ERN)

The Emerging Researchers National Conference (ERN) is an annual event that provides a forum for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, to present their research findings and engage in professional development activities. The conference aims to support and promote the development of diverse researchers and to foster collaborations between researchers, educators, and industry professionals. By attending this conference in Washington D.C with my SOARS scholars group, I learned how to network with industry professionals and graduate schools, opening up new careers paths outside of teaching and dentistry so that I can have a more versatile future.

To learn more about ERN, click Here

The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)

The National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) is an annual event that provides a platform for undergraduate students from all academic disciplines to present their research and creative work. The conference aims to promote undergraduate research as a means of enhancing student learning and as a gateway to career and graduate school opportunities. In the year 2023, NCUR was held in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Having received a travel scholarship to attend the conference, me and a couple of scholars from LSU had the opportunity to present our research to other undergraduates around the nation. Throughout the conference I received good feedback for my poster presentation and had the opportunity to network with multiple graduate and professional schools.

To learn more about NCUR, click Here

LSU Discover Day

The LSU Discover Day Research Conference allows undergraduates from all universities around the nation to present their research in competitive and non- competitive divisions in an effort to get their research out to a greater audience; including experienced professors at LSU who provide feedback on presentations, and peers alike. I presented at the 2023 LSU Discover Day Research Conference and it was an unforgettable experience. through Discover Day I was able to talk to top faculty members in the College of Science and receive critical feedback regarding my research. This was especially important to me because this was feedback that was closest from home and meant a lot to me coming from faculty of my own University. I will use the same skills I used to present at Discover Day to tackle classroom management when I begin teaching and throughout dental school.

To learn more about LSU Discover Day, click Here

Programs That Have Helped My Research

McNair Scholars

The McNair Scholars Program is a federal TRIO program funded at 151 institutions across the United States and Puerto Rico by the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities. This picture shows the 2022 cohort of the LSU McNair branch in downtown New Orleans during a scholars event. This program has provided me with guidance from experienced mentors, a sense of community with my scholar group, and exposure to the different disciplines in research.

To learn more about The McNair Scholars Program, click Here

SOARS Scholars

Each year, a group of scholars in the College of Science are chosen to receive a generous scholarship that will assist them in their research, academic expenses, and leadership development. The goal of the SOARS scholarship is for like minded students to study and network together so that they can all succeed in their respective fields of study. This is a picture from one of our retreats that we had at Main Event where we all went bowling together. Through this program I have had the honor of meeting many faculty mentors that have made a lasting impression on my world view. I was also accepted to numerous research conferences made known to me via weekly SOARS emails.

To learn more about The SOARS Scholars Program, click Here

National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)

NOBCChE is a non-profit organization that aims to increase the representation of Black professionals and other minorities in the fields of chemistry and chemical engineering. The LSU chapter in particular has provided me with a close knit community of chemistry undergraduates, graduates, and faculty that I can rely on for advice regarding graduate school, solutions to chemistry conundrums, and interactive research based events and seminars. NOBCChE is a valuable resource for minority chemists, chemical engineers, and other professionals in related fields, providing a supportive community, professional development opportunities, and resources to help members advance their careers and make a positive impact on the field. The picture on the right shows some NOBCChE members of the LSU chapter after a 3 minute elevator pitch event for their research. I have learned much about professionalism, graduate school, and how to represent your research in a most comprehensive way. I will take these skills with me and apply them to any future endeavors, such as dental school.

To learn more about The LSU NOBCChE Chapter, click Here

LSU Discover Distinguished Undergraduate Researchers Program (DURP)

The LSU Distinguished Undergraduate Researchers Program (DURP) is a highly selective program designed to recognize and support outstanding undergraduate students who are conducting research or creative activities at Louisiana State University. The program provides students with a range of opportunities to showcase their work, including funding for research projects, presentation opportunities at national conferences, and a formal recognition ceremony. In addition to financial support, DURP offers students access to professional development workshops, mentorship from experienced faculty, and networking opportunities with other top-performing undergraduate researchers. The program has provided me specifically with a community that motivates me to do better in research every day, and on occasions, even close friends that I talk to on a regular basis. With the abilities that I have learned from conferences made available by DURP, the funding that has alleviated financial pressure for me, and the helpful faculty that I have met, I firmly believe that my experience with the program is unparalleled.

To learn more about LSU DURP, click Here

Photo Credits: Jose Garfias (research header), TaoTao Ling (research lab picture), Emily Seighman (SACNAS picture), Raeshan Davis (ERN Picture), Sarah Ferstel (NCUR picture), Joseph Givens (McNair picture), Raeshan Davis (SOARS picture), Suliat A Alli (NOBCChE picture).
