
While I was applying for universities during my senior year in high school; I received an invite to join LSU's Ogden Honors College. At the time LSU was already among one of the universities that I placed a major emphasis on, so the fact that I was invited to join the Ogden Honors College at LSU sealed the deal for my application. Come Freshman year, I was taking classes in the honors college, and I could tell the difference between an honors class and a normal class. This was because as students, we were expected to spend many more hours studying the curriculum, as well as having that elevated level of thinking for these courses. Later on, by taking more of these courses I discovered the Communications Across the Curriculum Program (CxC), and the Engaged Citizens Program (ECP). Both of these programs offered classes with special learning designations, directly based on one's ability to successfully communicate (communication intensive course - CIC), or willingness to serve the community (service learning - SL). Below is a list of courses I have taken at LSU that I believe to have contributed greatly in my understanding of this world. By taking these classes, I have elevated my thinking, built discipline, and developed an awareness for my purpose.

Biological Sciences Major

BIOL 1201 - Biology for Science Majors I

BIOL 1202 - Biology for Science Majors II

BIOL 1208 - Biology laboratory for Science Majors I

*BIOL 1209 - Biology laboratory for Science Majors II 

BIOL 2051 - General Microbiology and Laboratory

BIOL 2153 - Principles of Genetics

BIOL 3040 - Evolution

BIOL 4087 - Biochemistry

BIOL 4105 - Parasitology

BIOL 4106 - Parasitology Laboratory

BIOL 4160 - Vertebrate Physiology

BIOL 4162 - Food Microbiology

BIOL 4163 - Food Microbiology Laboratory

BIOL 4190 - Intro to Virology

BIOL 4262 - Marine Communities

*~BIOL 4263 - Marine Communities Laboratory

Pedagogy Concentration

*SCI 2012 - Inquiry Teaching

EDCI 2500 - Knowing and Learning in Mathematics and Science

*EDCI 3136 - Reading in the Content Area

*~EDCI 3550 - Classroom Interactions

*~EDCI 4500 - Instructional Models

Chemistry Minor

CHEM 1201 - General Chemistry I

CHEM 1202 - General Chemistry II

CHEM 1212 - General Chemistry Laboratory

CHEM 2001 - Analytical Chemistry

CHEM 2261 - Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 2262 - Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 2364 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory

CHEM 4150 - Environmental Chemistry

CHEM 4565 - Bio-Organic Chemistry

English Minor

ENGL 2007 - Introduction to Poetry

ENGL 2123 - Childhood Literature

ENGL 3020 - British Literature I

ENGL 3223 - Adolescent Literature

ENGL 4007 - Advanced Poetry Workshop

ENGL 4015 - Creative Writing

*Denotes Communication-Intensive Coursework

​~Denotes Service Learning Coursework

Communication-Intensive (CIC) Coursework Samples

CIC Spoken

In EDCI 3550 (one of the last GeauxTeach courses a student can expect to take), students participating are required to already have completed a sequence of GeauxTeach courses, as well as multiple teacher certifications under both Google and Praxis. At this stage in the GeauxTeach Program, students are adept in multiple areas of communication, as they have had at least 2 semesters of training under other GeauxTeach courses that are CIC certified. The best way of demonstrating a candidate's proficiency in teaching is leading in the classroom as a teacher. Linked here is an example of one of my lessons being taught live as an example of the CIC Spoken mode. I am especially proud of this example because everyone in the class seemed to be having a good time learning the content I was teaching.

Teaching lesson 3.mp4


0:00 -23:00 Teaching

23:00 -29:10 Activity 1

29:10 - 32:45 Activity 2 introduction

32:45 - 33:35 Feedback from faculty advisor

33:35 - 41:48 Finishing activity 2

LP2&3 EDCI 4500

CIC Visual

One of the most important aspects of communication is relaying your message, and that cannot be done sometimes without popping visuals and intricate designs. That is one of the major emphases of teaching as well - to capture and retain the attention of your students. In order to achieve this desired outcome, teacher candidates are expected to be able to produce content packed presentations that both convey their purpose, as well as retain learner attention. Linked here is an example of one of the PowerPoints that my instruction group used in class to teach evolution in EDCI 4500.

CIC Technological

Linked here is an example of of the content that we have discussed in my HNRS 3035 class. This is an example of the CIC technological mod; because in our class we utilized websites such as google scholar, and google docs to assist us in completing this midterm assignment. At the end we produced 14 pages of well researched information regarding the hallmarks of cancer. Through this mode in CIC, I have learned how to utilize technology in regards to communication in the 21st century.

HNRS 3035 Collaboration Out of Class Midterm
1209 FWA1

CIC Written

In BIOL 1209 (Biological Laboratory for Science Majors II) we were required to produce lab reports on a weekly basis to satisfy the CIC written requirement. This is an example of one of my written lab reports from class. In this lab report I talk about a prominent invasive species that causes harm to local trees in North America with relevantly cited sources. Through this mode in CIC I have learned to construct adequate written artifacts that reflect all the information that I wish to express in a organized manner that is plagiarism free, and in formats expected of College of Science students.

Service Learning (SL) Coursework Samples

BIOL 4263

In Marine Communities Laboratory (BIOL 4263) I was lucky to learn under Dr. Barry Aronhime. Listening in on his lectures, I see that he has the teaching abilities that are seen in trained teacher candidates. Although I never did ask him whether he was formally trained to teach, I did take this as an opportunity to designate BIOL 4263 as a Service Learning course by writing a lesson plan for high school students to partake focusing on marine communities. This lesson plan was made in partnership with the Capitol Area STEM Network so that their educators can have high quality lesson plans to use if need be. Linked on the right is the first half of a two part unit lesson plan. The picture on the right is one that I took of the ocean during our field trip to The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON).

EDCI 4500

The second part of the unit lesson plan was designated by me to EDCI 4500 because I believed that this opportunity was directly related to one of the major emphases of EDCI 4500 - project based learning. Essentially, the two part unit lesson plan that I had created allowed students to participate in a project based learning experience, where they would find information that would contribute to their learning on their own, under the guidance of a teacher. Linked to the left is the second half of the unit lesson plan. The image on the left is one that I took of a crab during our field trip to The Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON)

Other Coursework Samples

BIOL 2051

In General Microbiology (BIOL 2051) students learn the general concepts of microbiology including structure and function of microbial cells, genetics, metabolism, diversity, host-microbe interactions, pathogens and immunology. As part of a mini project, me and my microbiology group went over the general process of aerobic respiration in cells and made a short video explaining the process to demonstrate our competency in the subject. Linked to the right is the short video.

ENGL 2027 Essay

ENGL 2027

My academic minor is English with a concentration in Poetry. One of the most memorable classes that I have taken to finish this minor was Introduction to Poetry (ENGL 2027), a class that made me fall in love with poetry to begin with. From there on out, I took many other poetry courses such as ENGL 4007, and ENGL 4015 - some of the more advanced English courses that LSU offers to undergraduates. Linked to the left is an example of my critique on one of the poems that I read in class.

Photo Credits: Peter Stewart (academics header), Jason Huang (LUMCOM pictures), Griffin Deen (Teaching video)
