What I'm Working On

'Imperial Knight' and 'Religion Without a God' are prequels to the main series HUMANI - a forthcoming sequence that was intended to be a single epic novel but became much too long for that to be realistic. It felt right that a standalone adventure should introduce readers to the Humani universe, which is why 'Imperial Knight' came about, whereas 'Religion Without a God' is out there on its own, an intentionally controversial political novel decrying the intolerance of our age, the suppression of freedom of thought and political heresies by an ever more zealous elite: it was never going to be a good introduction to the series - which is not remotely political - even though it is a gritty adventure set in the same universe and introduces an enigmatic character who will become important later.

Much of HUMANI was written long, long ago and now is time to prepare the text for publication!

So while readers may be encountering Aaron and Melissa meeting for the first time on Witarion I am returning to their very first appearances on the page, caught together and separately in a maelstrom as it overtakes the Human Imperium...

HUMANI has a new main protagonist, a young man who had a very brief cameo in Religion Without a God without even actually being there - and that is a good trick.