
James Evans lives and works in South Wales in the UK. He graduated in Law from Bristol University but ended up in semiconductors and software engineering. He lives with his partner and six young cats. This is not a counting error but an extra three little bundles of joy.

Although he finds it very odd writing in the third person, it still seems to be the norm, so here he is.

His greatest interests are the ancient and classical worlds, which culminated in the Graeco-Roman Imperium - an incredible achievement of the human race, a nascent, imperfect burgeoning of Humanism and Rationalism before their times, before intolerant monotheism and Darkness descended for a thousand years to smother them in dogma and intolerance that still exists to this day in many cultures: there is a warning in this for us too.

He writes because he enjoys it but against all common sense decided to write a first novel that was bound to cause great controversy, an intentionally political novel, but it was important so he persisted. 'Religion Without a God' is no defence of fascism and authoritarianism, no excuse for the atrocities committed from time to time by elements of the Right, and those who say so cannot have read it: it is instead an all too rare warning that the Left that dominates our political elites, our world view, our schooling, our media, is a tyrannical and intolerant theology that closes debate and silences opponents. There is hate in the self-professed love of Marx's western offspring.

He is neither an authoritarian nor a libertarian, not a supporter of big government or small government, but of something in between, pragmatism and not ideology, reality and not faith. Suffice to say that future novels will be science fiction without politics and many readers might be thankful for this.

His Science Fiction inspirations are the Galactic Empires of the far future brought to life by Asimov and Frank Herbert, writers equally inspired by the classical world and the Roman Empire. If you are going to think, might as well think as big as you can...

For a lighter read he enjoys the Roman novels of Harry Sidebottom, Lindsey Davis and M.C. Scott, and the fantasy/SF of Robert Jordan, Sarah Monette (the excellent Melusine quadrology - he would like another decalogy!), Marion Zimmer Bradley (yes, Darkover), Lynn Flewelling, Eddings, Sarah Ash and others. Once every century he is even lucky enough to read a new book by G R R Martin, although he is not a great fan of murder, rape, war, torture and pestilence.