Special Olympics

Special Olympics is a sporting program for students with special needs.  

In Homewood School District #153, we currently participate in the Basketball Winter Tournament, Bocce Ball, and Track and Field tournaments that take place during the school year.  We practice once a week after school.  During the summer, we offer bowling for those athletes who are interested. 

In the basketball tournament, athletes compete against other individuals to test their basketball skills for dribbling, passing, and making a basket.  

The object of bocce ball is for the athlete to gain the most points by throwing their ball closest to the smaller target ball called the Pallino.  Athletes work on focus, patience, and their gross motor skills in this sport.

For the track and field tournament, athletes participate in two events to compete against other individuals which are meter runs and softball throw.

If your child is interested in participating in Special Olympics events, please see the brochure listed below and contact Sandra Pons, and a form will be sent home this form  needs to be filled out and signed by the parent/guardian and the child's primary physician.

To visit the Special Olympics of Illinois website, please click here.

For more information regarding James Hart Special Olympics, please contact Ms. Pons. sandra.pons@hsd153.org