
1998 - 2006 Web Designer

At the beginning I called myself a Web Designer. I taught myself how to do it in order to make a website for my band. I learned Photoshop and Illustrator and worked my way over to HTML and CSS. I also attended Mass College of Art for 2 years to learn about Graphic Design & Typography, started a freelance business, and became the manager and in-house Web Designer of a Computer Cafe in Arlington where I made many sites like these for small business customers.

2006 - 2011 Product Manager

2006 - 2008 Product Manager - Endurance International Group

In 2006 I was recruited through Monster to become a Product Manager at a Web Hosting company. It was great for my UX skillset to learn Product-based skills like competitive analysis, requirements writing, roadmap planning, and project planning. I even had a full course of PMP training. I also took every opportunity I could to engage with UX/UI because it's just my natural tendency to solve problems with physical, visual solutions that you can look at and discuss.

Add-on Purchase Flow Diagram
Product Requirements
Visio-based Wireframe
Visio-based Wireframe

2008 - 2011 Senior Product Manager - Lycos

At Lycos I was involved with an online, template-based website builder tool called "Webon" and these artifacts and documentation relate primarily to that. I also did weekly reporting to the executive team on ARPU, Subscription Numbers, and Project progress as well as doing Roadmap planning and managing the day to day issues with my team.

Competitive Feature
Parity Analysis

Industry Opportunity Analysis

Tended the Twitter feed (and the Product Support Forum)

Created Video Tutorials including writing and narrating

Mock for a one-page 'wizard' version of the site builder tool.

Wireframe for Audio Player Module

UX Requirements for
Audio Player Module

Platform Branding and Product Opportunities diagram

The website builder tool supported a library of themes, I made a few for fun.

2011 - Present UX/UI Professional

2011 - 2015 Director of Consumer Design HeyWire

Working at start-up HeyWire was my chance to learn about the Mobile industry and Mobile design as well as the beginning of my transition from Product Management back to UX. I personally created the UI mock-ups and all final production graphics for all of the company's applications on Mobile (iOS & Android) and Web. In addition I also worked with a junior Product Manager to deliver weekly reports on all aspects of the HeyWire Consumer application... churn, revenue, ARPU, social media, etc as well as maintain the Product Roadmap and Requirements Documentation. At HeyWire I worked with Component Libraries, specifically Apple iOS and Google Material. I also interacted a lot with Users/Customers... running one-on-one interviews, focus groups, and product demos, and attending numerous trade shows and conferences.

HeyWire for Android Light Theme

HeyWire for Android Dark Theme

HeyWire Business User Mgr

Conference Booth Banners

iOS Client Messages List

Conversation w Media


Salesforce Integration

Bandwagon aggregated content from various Social Media streams into a single feed and added a group chat component into it.

2015 - 2017 Senior UX Designer Invoke Solutions

At Invoke I was the sole UX resource working closely with a team of Developers, Product Managers, and Researchers... converting an older installed platform to a contemporary SaaS model... designing and building everything in-house. I grew to love the whiteboard as a UX tool there and really developed my "UX Requirements" concept which is similar to business logic-type Requirements but is focused more specifically on the functionality in the UI. It was also my first opportunity to create a bespoke Design System and a reusable Component Library. At Invoke I did all my high resolution design work in Adobe Illustrator with a side-helping of Photoshop and CSS.

Survey Participant Data Screen

High-Res Wireframe

Layout and Design Details

Individual Participant Details

Session Management Dashboard

High-Res Wireframe

Dashboard Layout and Styles

Survey Question Analytics

Matrix Question

Question Word Cloud

Layout and Styles

Survey Builder

High-Res Wireframe

Concept Rotation

Survey File Manager

Boolean Filter Builder

Completed UI

Filtering Survey Data

Styles Notes

Session Set-up and Manage

Hover Menu Configuration

Role/Permission Builder

Custom Icons for Questions

UX Flows w Notes - 1




Platform Layout

Columns and Grid

Modal Chat Specs

Component Specs

2017 - 2019 UX/UI Architect Sovos

At Sovos my title was UX/UI Architect. While I was there I did a lot of hands-on work on the UX Component Library and also worked directly on numerous software applications on the platform.

As the senior UX resource in the flagship office I was responsible in large part for the Information Architecture of the new administration system that tied all the applications together. I acted in a quasi-Product role for the Platform team for 18 months.

I interacted frequently with stakeholders... internal as well as customers... doing application demos, usability interviews and testing, and running design workshops.

I also contributed regularly to the development of Sovos's UX processes themselves... both from within my UX team, with our mandate of creating an all-new Design System, as well as in a process development team which was charged with improving our Agile processes and how they integrated with UX. I taught a number of junior Product Managers and Designers to use my system of UX Requirements to stay perfectly aligned with what their teams were developing.

Wireframe for Sovos's
Enterprise Tax Calculator

The challenge was to revamp a 15-year old piece of tax management software into a fast, secure, and easy-to-use SaaS model. Each little part of this was an application unto itself. That wireframe took an hour to draw but it took 4 months to understand everything first.

UX Requirements... crucial

High-Res Prototype

10x10 Grid Structure

Tax Calculator - Line Item Results

Tax Calculator - Line Item Detail

Wireframe of Platform Admin

UX Architecture for managing Users, Customers, and Permissions across the platform. I acted as a de-facto Product Manager for the team of eight assigned to building it and wireframed all the detailed internal application screens.

Account Management

User/Roles Management

User/Roles Management 2

At Sovos I really came into my own with the Whiteboards. I have of course been using them for 20 years but I had 2 big ones on wheels there and I used them constantly to work through any and every type of UX problem.

Set-up for Import Profiles

Cost Object Allocation

Portal Functionality

Tax Exemption Workflow

Many was the time that I wheeled whiteboards directly into meeting rooms for Agile grooming sessions with Devs, QA, and Product people in attendance. Thing is... once you have a good Design System up and running you don't actually need to create ultra high-res wireframes for every single project. The UX patterns and theming are already in place and the Dev teams have already implemented a variety of projects using it... you can leave the high res Prototypes for other purposes like net-new UX, demos for customers, usability research, marketing materials, etc. Each of those yellow Post-Its represented one Story in JIRA.

Reporting Dashboard

Login Preference

Multi-level Drill-in pattern

Data workflow diagram

I need to know how things work to design effective interfaces.

2019 - Present Principal UX Designer Charles River Development

At Charles River Development I'm up to my usual tricks... working with a wide variety of internal Product Development teams on SaaS software design for our Investment Management Solution. Low-res wireframes and flow diagrams, high-res wireframes, and fully functional prototypes... I produce whatever is required for each project.

I've been responsible for producing most of the design specifications for our new UX Component Library and I am actively involved with the development of the CRD Design System.

Data Grid Spec

CRD - Component Design Specs - Components - Data Grid.pdf

Modal Dialog Spec

CRD - Component Design Specs - Components - Modal.pdf

Panel/Container Spec

CRD - Component Design Specs - Elements - Panel-v1.5.pdf

Text Field Spec

CRD - Component Design Specs - Elements - Text Field.pdf

Enterprise Data Management - Ops toolset for managing Data Exceptions

Fixed Income Trading - UI for Requesting quotes on Securities based on a collection of attributes

Performance, Metrics, and Attribution - Early iterations of some reporting dashboards

Page Flow diagrams - I do this when a workflow is complex and I need to understand all the parts before worrying about the eventual UI styles

Low-Res Wireframes - Whiteboards are my favorite low-res tool but I can happily move to pencil and paper if need be.