The JALT BizCom SIG's 3rd Annual Conference, Toyo University's Hakusan campus, September 8th & 9th 2018

Keynote Speakers

'Self-Access Study System for Businesspersons'

Hajime Terauchi - Takachiho Uni., Dean of Faculty of Commerce, and JACET President 

'Global Innovation Studies' Open Innovation Ecosystem (GOIE)  - an abundant source of global creativity for innovation in Japan'

Hajime Imamura - Global Innovation Studies Dept. Chair of the Department of Global 

Innovation Studies", of the "Faculty of Global and Regional Studies at Toyo University

Plenary Speakers

'The research is clear: Happy workers do more and achieve more' 

Stefan Nüsperling - NüWorks & Management 3.0: leading organizational change in Japan

'Introducing the NGSL & BSL: Tools for Business English Success'

Charlie Browne - Meiji Gakuin Uni., Dept. of English, Business English Corpus Based Word List Researcher (Sponsored by the JALT Vocab. SIG)

Featured Speakers

'Teaching English for the international workplace: meeting the challenges'

Evan Frendo - IATEFL BESIG Co-coordinator, based in Germany

'Upskilling Business Learners for the Future Workplace'

Dana Poklepovic - IATEFL BESIG Co-coordinator, based in Argentina

'Extensive Reading: What about business?'

Andy Boon - Toyo Gakuen University, Global Communications

'NowHow: making the most of every moment'

Adam Fulford - Fulford Enterprises CEO & NHK language consultant. 

'Just Build It'

Andrew O’Brien  - EFL Program Coordinator at Kyoritsu Hachioji, Event Coordinator at Diversity Dojo, President at West Tokyo JALT

'Begin with the end in mind –  Defining the Objectives of A ‘Customized’ Course'

Lalitha Murthy - Freelance Consultant, Business English Trainer, based in India

'How Can You Build and Sustain Trust in Virtual Teams'

Valerie Honda - Cross cultural communication and international team and leadership development in industry and academia

'Training Staff Mindsets for Creativity and Innovation in the Workplace'

Rab Paterson - Award Winning Educator, Principle Instructor/Administrator, Social Media Marketer, Presentations/Business Skills Coach, Toyo University, UCL Institute of Education 

'Applied Digital Literacy Skills: Equipping learners with 21st career skills'

Dan Ferreira - International Christian University & Doctoral candidate at Northcentral University (San Diego, California) and his research area is teacher development in e-Learning in higher education in Japan.