
Uzbek Latin - Cyrillic Transliterator

Uzbekistan has two active alphabet scripts. Latin script is the official one, and the country is actively switching to it from Cyrillic script. Created this app for personal use first.

Planned features:

  • Add Uzbek and English translator
  • Add the English language learning functionality (games, quizzes , etc)

Below information about the app in the Uzbek language.

O'zbek tilidagi matnni Lotin yozuvidan Kirillga va Kirill yozuvidan Lotin yozuviga o'giruvchi ilova.

Tiluz ilovasining afzalliklari:

• Internetsiz ishlash

• Mutlaqo bepul

• Xavfsiz, barcha vazifalar faqatgina telefonda bajariladi

Tiluz - foydalanish shartlari

User Agreement

(for English version refer below)

Siz foydalanuvchi sifatida ilovadan foydalanish bilan quyidagi shartlar va qoidalarga e'tiboringizni qaratishingiz lozim:

Shaxsiy maʼlumotlar xavfsizligi

Ilova hech qanday shaxsiy maʼlumotlarni ulashishni talab qilmaydi, va undan foydlanish mutlaqo bepuldir.

Siz kiritgan matiningizning saqlanib qolinishiga va uning lotin yoki kirill yozuvidagi koʻrinishiga faqatgina o'zingiz javobgardirsiz.

Matn tashqi vebsayt yoki servislarga maʼlumot yubormaydi, kiritilgan matn ilova yopilgandan keyin o'chib ketadi.

Ilova matnni mutlaqo toʻgʻri oʻgirishiga kafolat berilmaydi. Ilovaning ishlash prinsipi oddiy va u faqatgina shaxsiy foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan. Mukammal yechimlar uchun boshqa ilova yoki saytlarga murojaat etish tavsiya etiladi.

Ushbu foydalanish shartlariga ilova mualliflari tomonidan qoʻshimchalar va oʻzgarishlar kiritilishi mumkun.

Noqonuniy harakatlar

Ilovadan foydalangan holda amaldagi qonunchilikka zid keluvchi matnlar ustida ishlash man etiladi. Ilova foydalanuvchisi oʻzi kiritgan matnlarga va dasturni qanday ishlatishiga oʻzi javobgardir.

Tiluz - User Agreement

By using the application, please note the following terms and conditions:

Data and Privacy Policy

The application does not require any personal information sharing, and it is absolutely free to use.

You are solely responsible for the preservation of your text in the app, and its Latin or Cyrillic text presence.

The app does not send text information to external websites or services, and each time the text gets deleted after the application is closed.

The application does not guarantee that the text will be transliterated fully correctly. The transliteration logic of the application is simple and is intended for personal use only. It is advisable to refer to other applications or sites for the best solutions.

This policy may be updated by the authors of the application. We encourage you to periodically review this policy for the latest information on our privacy practices.


A user of the application is responsible for the text entered by them and how they use the application.