
social network for pets.

What's Daug?

Daug is a social network for pets.

  • Your pets can sign up or login using their paws.
  • They can upload selfies or post their thoughts for other pets to see.
  • They can also look at other pets posts and either paw (like) or just dislike it.


  • Daug is a fully functioning Social Network app
  • Users can Sign up & Log into the app
  • Users can create a new Posts
  • Users can like and comments on Posts
  • Users can follow each other

Used React Native Camera library to let the users take pictures while creating posts or upload a new profile picture. Also used React Native Elements library to build UI, React Navigation library to handle navigation, and packages such as react-native-modal and react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view to improve UI.

Would like to implement Redux in the future to better manage the state. Also would like to add themeing to the app to enable light/dark modes, and overall make the app more dynamic and functional.


Intro, Login & Sign Up screens are inspired by Robinhood App.

Profile screen is inspired by Instagram.

Social Feed screen is inspired by Facebook and Instagram.

View on my Github repo