My Projects

here you can find my various projects, and you can find more on github


cross-platform mobile apps that work great both on iOS and Android

Tiluz is Uzbek language Latin - Cyrillic transliterator. Uzbekistan has two active alphabet scripts. Latin script is the official one, and the country is actively switching to it from Cyrillic script. Created this app for personal use first.

Learn more here

Chowin-Out your best friend to find food. Utilizes EatStreet, Yummly, Yelp, and Clarifai machine learning food models. Learn more here

Daug fully functioning social network for pets and their owners. Utilizes full functioning private API created by MobileSpace. Learn more here


data science related projects such as machine learning, A.I., neural networks, and big data

Chowin-Out your best friend to find food. Utilizes EatStreet, Yummly, Yelp, and Clarifai machine learning food models. Magic Camera feature is implemented using Clarifai models and powered specifically by their food models.

More on GitHub

Most of my projects are on GitHub. Please visit my profile jkhusanov to learn more.