If you think you might be interested in joining the lab, please don't hesitate to get in touch! Email [jamie.ahloy-dallaire.1 at ulaval.ca], and tell us a little bit about yourself and what motivates you, as well as which types of species/questions/projects you are particularly interested in. No need to limit yourself to the projects you find on this website; it's always great to chat about new ideas. We can additionally dicuss scholarship opportunities.

Please note the following formal admission requirements for graduate programs:

  • For a master's degree (MSc): minimum 2.67/4.33 CGPA (B-minus or equivalent)

  • For a doctoral degree (PhD): minimum 3.00/4.33 CGPA (B or equivalent)

To find out about the cost of studying at Université Laval, including tuition and related fees: https://www.ulaval.ca/en/future-students/plan-your-studies/fees-and-budgeting

You may be eligible for scholarships to support research internships, graduate studies, or postdoctoral research. Visit the Université Laval BBAF (Bureau des bourses et de l'aide financière) and explore the directory: https://www.bbaf.ulaval.ca/en/scholarships-bursaries/graduate/graduate-studies-funding/

Information for international applicants: