Pest Inquiry



 Jack -) Stoats or Mustela Erminea have posed a great threat to our native birds for over 144 years. Stoats in those years have been implicated in the extinction of many South Island subspecies such as Bush Wren, Laughing Owl and New Zealand Thrush. Our studies show that since 1879, they have spread throughout New Zealand inhabiting 94.1% of the land, that’s 26 million hectares, this means they are second only to the common wasp which inhabits 97% of New Zealand. Stoats have a small 17-32 cm cylindrical body, a white underbelly, orange-brown fur, a black ring on the top of its tail and Weighs about 205 to 365 grams. (Hayden - Our goal at the end of this inquiry is to find out the best method to mitigate the deleterious effects of stoats in the Bay of Plenty.


What Effect do Stoats Have on its Food Web?

Z -) Stoats have a major effect on its food chain because of its extensive carnivorous diet. The stoats diet consists of wrybills, the New Zealand dotterel, Black-Fronted Terns, Kiwi and a variety of other native New Zealand animals and eggs. When those organisms are taken out of the food web or ecosystem, trees will cease to spread and grow, in addition to that, other animals also consume off of those trees so it affects them as well. Most of the birds in England fly, in New Zealand however, a lot of our birds are flightless, i.e Kiwi and Kakapo, Which makes it much easier to hunt and find prey. These flightless birds and parrots weren’t adapted to such relentless predators and it has definitely shown over the years.

How did Stoats get here and how long have they been a problem?

Stoats in New Zealand were introduced in the 1870s to control the rabbit population, from England. Scientists told them that it was a really bad idea but they ignored them and made a terrible mistake making them lose more than they would have without stoats and guess what? The rabbit population has stayed the same just a bit more contained and not running everywhere, but

When stoats were introduced in 1870 they have been a problem ever since because they have been running around killing anything. Stoats aren't a problem in other countries but that is because they have no native animals.

What impacts do stoats have on its environment and why?

Stoats prey on indigenous birds such as Kiwi, Kokako and Kakapo. Invertebrates and reptiles are also greatly affected. Birds are an imperative part of an ecosystem, native plants are reliant on birds for successful seed dispersal and regeneration. In other words, without birds in an environment, native plants and trees would start to decrease. Reptiles and amphibians are absolutely essential organisms of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. They act as predators and prey and are the only organisms that inhabit marine and terrestrial ecosystems which means that they can transfer energy between two ecosystems. Invertebrates play key roles in a high functioning environment and ecosystem for the reasons that they pollinate flowers and plants, disperse seeds, become food for wildlife and recycle nutrients. Without them whole ecosystems would collapse. Yet invertebrates are often imperilled by stoats and pests alike.

Is there any place in the world where they control the stoat population and if so what methods do they use?

Stoats inhabit almost every country in the world where they cause big problems. Ireland is the only place where stoats are legally protected, in England however, they are poisoned and trapped to protect indigenous wildlife and key ecosystem organisms. England uses similar tactics to New Zealand, such as trapping and poisoning but they use different traps such as the Tully trap and the perdix mink trap.

What is New Zealand Doing About Stoats?

The bay of plenty are setting up traps everywhere and poison

All over the mount some on the beaches and all in fields and backyards of some people. In any little bit of forest you will find a trap. To be honest I think traps are a really good idea but they do kill other animals sadly.

What is the Most Effective Method to Deal With Stoats in NZ and Why?

The most effective way to kill stoats in NZ is traps because you can put bait that only the pest eats so no other animals will eat it and they will also kill them instantly. But the downside is emptying them and resetting them.


 Stoats in New Zealand have been a big problem for over a century. We believe that with the help of a variety of traps like we mentioned earlier, persistent volunteers and conservationists, that we can get the stoat population under control.     cs-ais-nz-stoats-en.pdf

All change to lowland trapping from April 2020 - Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust            Species – Stoat – The Mammal Society

Tully Trap | Facebook     Science Learning Hub: pros and cons of different pest control methods.

General licence - GL14 2021 - To use certain traps to kill stoats for the conservation of wild birds or for prevention of serious damage to livestock.pdf  Stoat facts and control tips - Predator Free NZ Trust

Stoats: Pests                  Science Learning Hub

Pest control hub - Northland Regional Council                DoC - Battle for our Birds: specific information on pest that affect native bird species

Licence to trap stoats to prevent serious damage to livestock (GL39) - GOV.UK             Stoat facts and control tips - Predator Free NZ Trust

Stoats: Pests                   pros and cons of different pest control methods.

Pest control hub - Northland Regional Council                        DoC ‘Investigating plant pests in your green space’: information about a range of common weeds

BOP Regional Council – Pest Management - your pest must be in this list        Pest Detective: most NZ pests covered in this excellent resource.

DoC Nature database: a wide range of animals and plants found in NZ       DoC – Animal Pests