Fossil Fuels and CO2 Emission


Have you ever wondered what the main causes of co2 emissions are or what they do? The reason me and my partner chose this topic is because we have always wondered what emissions really do to our beautiful world and how we could minimise the negative effects. I sincerely hope this report will show people the truth. But Reducing emissions from fossil fuel combustion will require a directed global effort to develop and put in use low-carbon technologies, so how do we reduce fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions?

What are fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are a globally used product fuel that is dug up and mined from the ground. They come from prehistoryc plants and animals over 200 million years old. Fossil fuels are modern society’s primary energy source, providing heat and power to homes, busnesses, and vehicles. Oil, coal, and natural gas are all prime examples of fossil fuels.

Coal is a type of fossil fuel formed from the compressed remains of prehistoryc plants. It is a black rock used to produce heat and power for homes and businesses. Oil is another type of fossil fuel that comes from decomposed remains of prehistoryc animals. It is a black liquid used to produce heat, power, and fuel. Natural gas is our third fossil fuel. It is a colourless gas used to produce heat and power for homes and busnesses.

What is CO2 emission?

CO2 emissions are created when fossil fuels are burned. These fuels are refined from fossil fuels known as petrol, diesel, natural gas, and propayne. Carbon dioxide releases (CO2) into the air after it is burned. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, which means that it traps heat from the sun. This trapped heat causes the Earth to warm, which can lead to many problems, ultimatly, climate change.

How do fossil fuels generate CO2 emissions? What effects do they have?

The more fossil fuels burn, the more CO2  is added to the atmosphere, which effectivly accelerates global warming. Thus, it is imperative to scout solutions to minimise our reliance on fossil fuels such as switching to renewable energy sources, solar, hydro and wind power. For example, increased tempertures can lead to more extreme weather conditions such as hurricanes and floods. Higher levels of CO2 can also make the ocean more acidic, which can kill coral reefs and other marine life. CO2 emissions further contribute to the "greenhouse effect,” which happens when the Earth's atmosphere secures heat, causing earth as we know it, to warm. This can lead to problems such as melting ice caps, droughts, and famine.

Is there any place in the world where CO2 emissions can be controlled? What methods are used?

Sweden uses a number of ways to control co2 emissions. One method is to tax the fuels, such as petrol and diesel,  that produce co2 emissions. This particular method encourages people to use less fossil fuels and to find alternative energy production methods. Sweden also uses a tradable permit system to minimise the amount of co2 emissions businesses can produce. This system produces a market for co2 emissions and encourages busnesses to find ways to reduce emissions. Sweden also participates in renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro and wind power. These renewable energy sources do not produce co2 emissions and help reduce Sweden’s reliance on fossil fuels.

What Makes Electricity-Based Cars Better than Fossil Fuel Powered cars?

Electric cars are powered by electricity, where as fossil fuel cars are powered by petrol or diesel. Electric cars are better than fossil fuel cars for a number of reasons.

Electric cars are enviromentally friendly because they produce zero emissions. Fossil-fuel cars produce harmful emissions that contribute to climate change and air pollution.

Electric cars are also more fuel economical and efficient. A normal electric car can travel up to three times that of a typical fossil fuel car on a single charge.

Electric cars are also considerably cheaper to operate and maintain. There is no need to buy gasoline or diesel, and electric cars require much less maintinance than fossil-fuel cars.

Switching to electric cars will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.

What Are the Best Options to reduce the use of fossil fuels Globally?

There are many things that can be done to lessen fossil fuel use and CO2 emissions. One way is to use much less energy.  This can be done by turning off lights when you are not using them, unpluging electronics when not in use, and using energy efficient gadgets. You can also switch to renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power.


Out of the many options we explained, here are ways we thought are the most effective to dramatically minimize the use of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions. Using our PMI analysis, Our ideas include using renewable energy sources such as solar, hydro and wind power, creating insentives for energy conservation, participating in public transportation and investing in push bikes (or electric).

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Fossil fuel slides: