Volunteer Opportunities

Share Your Talent & Pursue Your Career Interest!

The covid-19 pandemic has brought to light the struggles that communities face in supporting those who are most vulnerable. As youth, you can come together to do meaningful work, connected to your area of study/interest, while sharing your gifts and talents. Build your resume with opportunities to develop skills in a wide variety of fields!

Possible IYAM Projects to work on in teams, or individually (from across Canada):

  • Research and manage the possibility of registering IYAM as a full non-profit organization

  • Create and publish an online IYAM magazine (for youth, written by youth)

  • Create and publish a virtual interfaith prayer gallery (online interactive "sacred spaces" that invite people to pray and meditate from across different traditions)

  • Create and publish an online library of virtual "tours" of sacred sites across Canada

  • Create and develop content for an IYAM YouTube Channel

  • Research and document interfaith initiatives in your local communities to highlight as best practices on issues like health, poverty, environmental stewardship, etc.

  • Research current bills or legislation on specific issues to present as advocacy opportunities for youth (e.g. Bill S-216 on modern day slavery, City of Toronto's Action Plan to confront anti-black racism, etc.)

  • Create digital "break-out" games or apps to educate youth in fun platform

  • Create art (music, spoken word or poetry, visual arts, photography, video/short films, etc) that speaks to youth on a social justice issue and/or from an interfaith perscriptive

  • Outreach to local community home for elderly - to match youth with seniors for online interaction (conversations, interviews for learning), or an online event (e.g. show)

  • Develop an online social media presence to build support for IYAM's work