Become a Member

Establishing a formal membership structure is currently being discussed by the original groups who have engaged in interfaith dialogue since the launch of IYAM. Youth from diverse faith traditions, as well as supporting community partners, have participated in IYAM collaborations based on events and availability.

Past event participants and/or presenters have included youth or young adults from the following:

Schools from the Toronto Catholic District School Board, Dufferin-Peel CDSB, Durham CDSB, and York CDSB, as well as Toronto DSB

As-Sadiq Islamic School

Eco-Sikh Canada

Solel Congregation of Mississauga

Ahmadiyya Muslim Women's Association

Community partners who have collaborated, and/or continue to collaborate, with IYAM include the following:

Archdiocese of Toronto Office for Interreligious Dialogue

The Mary Ward Centre

The Awakening Project

Intercultural Dialogue Institute

School interfaith groups from: Madonna C.S.S. (TCDSB), Cardinal Ambrozic C.S.S. (DPCDSB), St. Mary C.S.S. (DCDSB), As-Sadiq Islamic School

We are hoping to establish a formal membership structure, where organizations would commit to youth:

  • Participating in one major event (i.e. World Interfaith Harmony Week) and at least 2 local dialogues/events throughout the year.

  • Organizing at least one dialogue or event in the year that is local or regional; in-person or virtual. Examples of this could be a discussion with speakers, an interfaith food drive, a sharing of a celebration (e.g. interfaith seder or iftaar meal), etc.

  • Collaborating on, and/or promoting each other's interfaith initiatives when possible (i.e. where the organization's work aligns)

  • Working in solidarity to advocate for justice on a number of issues (e.g. anti-racism, climate change, Truth & Reconciliation, etc) wherever there is alignment with the organization's work.

Membership benefits include:

  • Joining a network of youth groups and community partners who wish to promote interfaith dialogue

  • Opportunities to collaborate with youth groups and community partners on planning local and regional events

  • Promoting events or volunteer opportunities with your group, that help promote better interfaith understanding and appreciation (events or volunteer opportunities can be published on this website and broadcast to the network)

  • Building solidarity and a stronger voice to advocate for support and funding on social justice issues that matter to your group

Become a Member

If you are interested in joining IYAM as an organization, please email: