Oligopoly Theory


Equilibrium Existence in Price-Quantity Games: A Sunk Cost Paradox (2023), Working Paper (joint with Niloofar Yousefimanesh and Dries Vermeulen).


Myopic Oligopoly Pricing (2024), Games and Economic Behavior, 145, 377-412 (joint with Marco Marini and Riccardo Saulle).

Strategic Rationing in Stackelberg Games (2023), Games and Economic Behavior, 140, 529-555 (joint with Niloofar Yousefimanesh and Dries Vermeulen).

Price Competition in a Vertizontally Differentiated Duopoly (2023), Review of Industrial Organization, 62(3), 219-239 (joint with Ronald Peeters).

Oligopoly Pricing: The Role of Firm Size and Number (2023), Games, 14(3), 1-16 (joint with Marco Marini).

On the Microfoundation of Linear Oligopoly Demand (2022), B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics, 22(1), 1-15 (joint with Dries Vermeulen).

Equilibrium Existence with Spillover Demand (2021), Economics Letters, 208, 1-4 (joint with Dries Vermeulen) (online Appendix).

On Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria in Price-Quantity Games (2021), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 96, 1-13 (joint with Dries Vermeulen).

Dynamic Cournot Duopoly with Intertemporal Capacity Constraints (2012), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30(2), 174-192 (joint with Anita van den Berg, Jean-Jacques Herings and Hans Peters).