Iwan Bos
Hi all, welcome to my webpage. I am an associate professor of industrial organization at the Maastricht University School of Business and Economics. Through this medium, I intend to update you regularly about what I am working on. As to why, I refer to the following quote of Arthur Cecil Pigou.
"...The complicated analyses which economists endeavour to carry through are not mere gymnastics. They are instruments for the bettering of human life. The misery and squalor that surround us, the injurious luxury of some wealthy families, the terrible uncertainty overshadowing many families of the poor; these are evils too plain to be ignored. By the knowledge that our science seeks it is possible that they may be restrained. Out of the darkness light! To search for it is the task, to find it perhaps the prize..."
(Pigou, The Economics of Welfare, 1920, p. vii)