Competition Policy
Market Shares as Collusive Marker: Evidence from the European Truck Industry (2023), Working Paper (joint with Andreas Bovin).
A Buyer-Based Measure of Seller Concentration (2022), Mathematics, 10, 2474, 1-6.
Competition Policy within the Free, Hierarchical and Coordinated Market Tradition (2021), in: Economic Ideas, Policy and National Culture: A Comparison of Three Market Economies, De Jong, Eelke (ed.), Routledge.
Industry Impact of Cartels: Evidence from the Stock Market (2019), Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 15(2-3), 358-379 (joint with Wilko Letterie and Nina Scherl).
Does Enforcement Deter Cartels?: A Tale of Two Tails (2018), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59, 372-405 (joint with Steve Davies, Joe Harrington and Pete Ormosi).
Antitrust as Facilitating Factor for Collusion (2015), B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 15(2), 797-814 (joint with Wilko Letterie and Dries Vermeulen).
Competition Policy and Cartel Size (2015), International Economic Review, 56(1), 133-153 (joint with Joe Harrington).
A Note on Cartel Ringleaders and the Corporate Leniency Programme (2013), Applied Economics Letters, 20(11), 1100-1103 (joint with Frederick Wandschneider).
Do Antitrust Agencies Facilitate Meetings in Smoke-Filled Rooms? (2013), Applied Economics Letters, 20(6), 611-614 (joint with Ronald Peeters and Erik Pot).
On the Scope for the European Commission’s 2006 Fining Guidelines under the Legal Maximum Fine (2006), Journal of Competition Law & Economics, 2(4), 673-682 (joint with Maarten Pieter Schinkel).