Social Media Guides

Ivy Tech Indianapolis Social Media Accounts


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Ivy Tech Community College Indianapolis




Ivy Tech Indianapolis

If you are planning to create or manage any social media accounts not associated with the official accounts mentioned earlier, kindly note that you must obtain approval from Kenny Rogers at Ivy Tech Community College. Kenny is responsible for overseeing and authorizing any additional social media accounts representing Ivy Tech Indy.

To seek approval, please contact Kenny Rogers at the following email address: In your message, provide a detailed explanation of the purpose, goals, and intended audience of the social media account you wish to create. Kenny will review your request and respond accordingly.

We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to our social media guidelines and policies. Remember, it is important to maintain consistency and accuracy in representing Ivy Tech Community College across all platforms.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to reach out to Kenny. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Social Media Policy as of July 2019

Owners: Systems Office Marketing and Communications



Ivy Tech Campus-Specific Channels:


Campus-Specific Guidelines

If you decide to have a social media account specific to your campus, it is recommended you follow these basic parameters:


Any threat to a campus or an Ivy Tech representative received via social media must be reported to campus security immediately.


If you receive a direct message or post that shows or threatens abuse to a Minor, you are obligated by law to report this to your local police and cannot share information about the post to any other Ivy Tech representative until after it has been resolved with the police.


Unless authorized, you cannot craft emergency notifications on behalf of the college and distribute via social media. You must respect copyright and fair use laws. When posting, be mindful of the copyright and intellectual property rights of others.


It is extremely important that any College-sponsored posting be truthful and accurate. Likewise, it is extremely important that all College postings are respectful towards its intended audience and the public in general.


The following content is prohibited on Ivy Tech-affiliated social media accounts: