IVAS Framework

Ontological Notations

Designing, evaluating, and improving visual analytics (VA) systems is a primary area of activities in big data intelligence. IVAS (Improving Visual Analytics Systems) is an ontological framework (i.e., an outline version of a full ontology) for recording and categorizing technical shortcomings to be addressed in a VA workflow, reasoning about the causes of such problems, identifying technical solutions, and anticipating secondary effects of the solutions. IVAS facilitates a methodology of abstract reasoning, which is built on the theoretical premise that designing a VA workflow is an optimization of the cost-benefit ratio of the processes in the workflow. It makes uses three fundamental measures, namely Alphabet Compression (AC), Potential Distortion (PD), and Cost, to group and connect “symptoms”, “causes”, “remedies”, and “side-effects”, and guide the search for potential solutions to the problems. In terms of requirement analysis and system design, this methodology can enable system designers to explore the decision space in a structured manner. In terms of evaluation, the proposed methodology is time-efficient and complementary to various forms of empirical studies, such as user surveys, controlled experiments, observational studies, focus group discussions, and so on. It general, it reduces the amount of trial-and-error in the lifecycle of VA system development.

Ontological Notations

Sacha et al. [1] recently developed an ontology VIS4ML as a knowledge base for supporting VA-assisted machine learning workflows. We anticipate that VIS4ML, IVAS, and other parts of the overall VA ontology under development will be integrated together in the future. We hence adopted the conventions of VIS4ML for specifying IVAS.

[1] D. Sacha, M. Kraus, D. A. Keim, and M. Chen. "VIS4ML: An ontology for visual analytics assisted machine learning. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25(1):385–395, 2019. DOI.


The ontological framework of IVAS defines two main subclassess, Concrete-Entity and Abstract-Entity. The subclass of Concrete-Entity encompasses all practical instances of problems and solutions. It is further divided into three subsubclasses, namely Symptom, Cause, and Remedy. The examples of concrete entities can be found on the page of Concrete Entities.

The subclass Abstract-Entity essentially contains the 24 Abstract Entities, which are used for abstract reasoning about the causal relationships among symptoms, causes, remedies, and side-effects.

The figure on the left shows the main class hierarchy of IVAS.


The ontological relations (or properties as referred to in OWL) define the relations between different domain-entities. The figure below shows several types of relations defined for and used in IVAS.

Abstration and Instantiation

The figure on the right shows an example of abstracting five concrete entities of symptoms to an abstract entity Alg-High-PD, and another example of instantiating an abstract entity Vis-Low-AC to five concrete entities of remedies.

Abstract Reasoning for Symptoms, Causes, Remedies, and Side-Effects

The figure on the right shows an abstract reasoning process starting from the abstract entity Alg-High-PD for symptoms. One pathway of reasoning may lead to the abstract entity Alg-High-AC for causes, and then the abstract entity Alg-Low-AC for remedies. One may then instantiate Alg-Low-AC as shown in the previous section.