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What is Lockbox?

Lockbox is Centre’s secure email and file dropping service.  This will allow you to send confidential or sensitive information via encrypted email or send and receive secure files to individuals outside of the college.

To access Lockbox, log into CentreNet and from the LaunchPad, click the Lockbox icon.

Sending Files

Below are instructions for sending files with confidential or sensitive information using Lockbox.

Note: Messages will be removed after 30 days, but you will be able to view the log of what was sent and how many times it was downloaded indefinitely.

To send a secure email:

To read secure messages sent to you:

Various message options: 

When sending a message, one option is to require authentication. By default, this option is on. When you send an email through lockbox that requires authentication, the person needs to type in/verify their email address.  Then they will receive a code to input. After that, they will be able to access the message. 

If you turn off authentication, the message is still secure. The requiring authentication is just one more level of security to a message. 

Personal Filedrop Feature

Centre provides a ‘drop box’ service called “Lockbox” that allows all employees to have a secure file drop for receiving information from outside the college. This is perfect if you need a file with confidential information from someone who is not part of the college.

To access this service:

You can send the link, post on a website or include in your email signature. You will receive a notification as soon as someone has sent something using your Personal Filedrop.