
Ymail Customer Service

How to recover your Yahoo password without the account key

It happens to all of us, we forget our Yahoo password, and we may or may not have the tool, the account key in this case, to retrieve it. There is no need to worry in these instances because the following steps illustrate how to recover the Yahoo password without the account key. For more help users may contact with Ymail Customer Service team.

It is an involved process to recover a Yahoo password without the account key, but it is not insurmountable. In this instance, the account holder must prove that he or she is the real account holder because Yahoo takes privacy and security very seriously.

The user should:

● Check to make sure that the caps lock or number lock key is not on

● Check to see if the browser auto fill settings are updated, especially if he or she has recently changed his or her password.

○ The password will need to be updated in this instance

● Try signing in using a different browser.

○ If this step works, then the problem lies with the browser which must be fixed in order to access the account

● Using the sign-in helper to re-enter the password and sign back in.

○ This is especially useful in instances when a hacker accesses a person’s Yahoo email account.

The following steps illustrate how anyone can recover his or her Yahoo password without having or knowing the account key!

Ref: - https://ymailhelpdesk.blogspot.com/2018/10/how-to-recover-your-yahoo-password.html