
Google Information Number

Google is an American multinational technology company which is specialized in internet- related services and product. These services and product includes online advertising, search, cloud computing, software and hardware. The journey of Google started in 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they were PhD students that time, thats why Google home page is so simple as they both not experienced in HTML and markup language which is used to design a web page. Google Information Number is very popular because of their client strength.

Users rarely face issues with Gmail, and if ever they do then all that they have to do is to call at Google Information Number to get the best possible solution steps. Gmail keeps on adding new feature and the newest feature on the list is the ability to Snooze an email in the same way as an alarm works. This feature is used to send emails to a specific folder and the emails stay there till the fixed time. The use of this feature will be that it turns the inbox into an organized entity and users will be able to snooze an email which will remind them of a task so that they can do it later.

Following are some of the issues with Google that can be resolved by calling at their Toll Free Number

· Password related issues

· Email cannot be sent.

· There are too many spam mails in the inbox.

· There are issues with Google hangouts.

· There are issues related to Google’s web browser