Service Learning
STEP 1: Volunteer Initial Registration-one time 志工首次註冊
All volunteers are required to register (one-time registration) and obtain their unique "Password" before starting any service learning volunteer tasks.
Once you registered, a copy of the form response will automatically send to your email, please refer back if you forgot the password.
STEP 2: Sign-in / out 簽到/退
All volunteers are required to report their working hours with their unique "Password" after completing your tasks.
*ONLY EVENTS SPONSORED BY OICA WILL BE AWARDED SERVICE/VOLUNTEER HOURS [Be sure to confirm with the organizer for each event]
STEP 3: Hours Retrieve 時數檢索
Volunteers are able to retrieve their hours through the "ISUISU Time Sheet of Volunteer Service" with the unique "Password" and student id.
Regulations 規定
The "ISUISU Timesheet of Volunteer Service" should be printed and submitted to a dedicated event coordinator, followed by ISUISU VP, ISUISU President, and ISUISU Advisor for the final review.
The "OICA Timesheet of Volunteer Service" should be printed and submitted to a dedicated OICA advisor, followed by the Dean of OICA for the final review right after finishing any allocated tasks and projects.
1. When should I submit the timesheet? 什麽時候需要繳交時數表?
Technically, the timesheet should be submitted by the end of the month for regular tasks, like team meetings, and routine tasks.
Special events/projects, like TEDx IShouUniversity, ISU Cultural Festival, ISU Cultural Ambassador, and others, need to be submitted after completing each event/project.
特別活動/項目,如TEDx IShouUniversity、國際文化義術節及國際文化大使選拔競賽等,請於活動結束後一併繳交。
2. What if I forget my password? 若我忘記密碼,該怎麽辦?
Please look for Alexis from OICA to retrieve your password.
請洽國際處 Alexis以協助查詢密碼。
3. What if I want to retrieve my OICA Volunteer Hours? 若我想檢索我在國際處的志工時數,該怎麽辦?
Yes, you are able to retrieve your OICA Volunteer Hours in the OICA Timesheet of Volunteer Service ( with the same method.
當然可以,請使用同樣的檢索方式,至國際處志願服務時間表 (下載您的時數表。
4. What if I plan to allocate hours for different purposes at the same time? 若我想將時數分配給不同的使用目的,可行嗎?
Volunteers are able to allocate their service hours for different purposes. We will suggest to sign-in/out separately to fulfill your needs.
5. When can I check my volunteer hours? 我什麽時候能檢查我的志工時數?
The volunteer hours will be automatically updated every morninf at 8 AM between Monday and Friday.
Person-to-contact 聯絡窗口
For Volunteer Hours
Alexis (OICA)
For Technical Issues
Alexis (OICA)
Working Hours 辦公時間: Mon - Fri, 8 AM - 5 PM
Location 辦公地點: Office of International & Cross-strait Affairs (1st Floor International College) 國際及兩岸事務處 (國際學院一樓)