11/22 Voice+Culture=You
Voice+Culture=You 手作編織工坊
📅 Date 日期: 11/22/2023 (Wednesday) 12.30 - 15:00
🏫 Location 地點: Medical Campus C Building 8F, C0833 - 醫學院C樓8F C0833
🎟️ Admission: FREE 入場免費! (Limited spots available 名額有限)
Workshop Topic 工作坊主題 : "Rekindling your power!" 「重新點燃你的力量」
Brief Description of this event 活動簡要描述: 🌍Get ready to rediscover the power of your voice. Gain tools and knowledge to heal and empower your speaking quality, leading to a postive change in all aspects of your daily life. Overcome blocks and self limiting mindsets and develop a powerful shift to enable a more meaningful form of communication. Speak with freedom!
🌍 準備好重新發現你的聲音。獲得工具和知識來增強你的公開演說能力,從而在你日常生活的各個方面實現積極的變化。克服障礙和自我限制的心態,實現強大的轉變,實現更有意義的溝通方式。自由掌控說話之術!
Meet our pannel speakers 認識我們的演講嘉賓: Cultural Ambassador 國際文化大使 Tannyka, ISUISU Medical Campus Global Lounge coordinator Geraldo, OICA advisor Hanny and many more from ISU global community.
有興趣的人趕緊報名喔~ 前50名可獲得免費餐點及紀念胸章!!
Event Rundown:
12:30-13:00 Sign-in
13:00 - 13:15 Presentation of Current Cultural Ambassadors
13:15- 13:30 Presentation of DIY CRAFT
13:30-14:00 Preparation of DIY CRAFT
14:05-14:20 Workshop: Rekindling your power!
14:20-14:55 Presentation of your craft
14:55: 15:00 Reflexion time and review
12:30-13:00 簽到
13:00-13.15 介紹國際文化大使候選人
13:15-13:30 介紹手工方式
13:30-14:00 手工時間
14:20-14:55 學生介紹自己的手工品
14:55: 15:00 反思與審查
Cultural Ambassador Candidates Role Requirements 國際文化大使候選人角色要求:
As candidates for the Cultural Ambassador role, you are required to submit a video presentation (speech) of 45 seconds 24 hours after the workshop. In this video you will be required to showcase your DIY bracelet that you created during the Global Lounge. This will be included in your extra achievement points.
Your video must include:
1. The design you picked
2. The reason of your color choice
3. What the bracelet represents for your culture.
The video must be sent to us at ISUISU with usage of copyright.
作為國際文化大使角色的候選人,您需要在工作坊結束後的24小時內提交一段45秒的視訊演示(演講)。 在這段影片中,您需要展示您在世界交誼廳活動期間製作的DIY手鍊。
影片及使用版權必須提供給主辦單位: 無國界學生聯盟。
Objective of the Cultural Ambassador Program 國際文化大使計劃的目標:
Cultural Ambassador candidates will bring the essence of their own culture to the Global Lounge event, aiming to promote their culture through the medium of art and craft. The primary goal is to foster respect for diversity, tolerance, and the inclusion of different cultures. Candidates will actively participate in this workshop alongside regular event attendees, sharing their cultural presentations to achieve this objective.