Public Talks 

In the days preceding the conference, we will have a series of public talks given by some of the conference organisers and a few guests.  The series of talks in entitled Noojoom - نجوم (Stars in Arabic). The talks will be broadcasted live on Youtube and last for 30-40 min, followed by ~30 min of Q&A. If you would like to support our social action for Lebanon,  you can make a donation here.

The slides of all the talks can be downloaded from this link

نجوم    -   Noojoom         

Monday, May 3, 2021 (16h00, Beirut time)

How do stars form ? 

كيف تتكوّن النجوم ؟ 

by Sami Dib (in arabic, slides in english)

Tuesday, May 4, 2021 (16h00, Beirut time)

Other Suns and other Earths in the Wilky Way

Մեր Գալակտիկայի այլ երկրանման մոլորակները արեգակնային համակարգից դուրս

كواكب أخرى شبيهة بالأرض في مجرتنا خارج النظام الشمسي

by Vardan Adibekyan (in armenian, slides in english)

Wednesday, May 5, 2021 (16h00, Beirut time)

Where does Earth's water come from?

من أين أتت المياه على كوكب الأرض ؟

by Ewine van Dishoeck (in english)

Thursday, May 6, 2021 (16h00, Beirut time)

A la conquête du monde mystérieux des galaxies

عالم المجرات الغامض 

by Jihane Moultaka (in french)

Friday, May 7, 2021 (16h00, Beirut time) 

Living close to a star: life outside our Solar system

  العيش بالقرب من  النجوم  :الحياة خارج نظامنا الشمسي 

by Rim Fares (in english)

Monday, May 10, 2021 (16h00, Beirut time)  

Supernovae: the glorious death of superstars

 المستعرات العظيمة: الموت المجيد للنجوم

by Charles Aouad (in english)

The organization of Noujoum is done in collaboration with the International Astronomical Union