Program Day 2 - May 12, 2021

time is in Beirut time = UTC+3

IV - Physical processes in the ISM - magnetic fields, cosmic rays (chairs: Alessia Moretti; Rajika Kuruwita)

14h00-14h30 Konstantinos Tassis: Towards high-precision magnetometry in the ISM

14h30-14h40 Nguyen Ngoc: JCMT BISTRO survey: Observations of magnetic fields surrounding LkHα 101

14h40-14h50 Jia-Wei Wang: Formation of the hub-filament system G33.92+0.11: local interplay between gravity, velocity and magnetic fields

14h50-15h00 Qilao Gu: A comparison between magnetic field directions inferred from Planck and starlight polarimetry toward Gould Belt clouds

15h00-15h10 James Wurster: Magnetic fields in the ISM and their effect on star formation

15h10-15h20 Shantanu Basu: The magnetic field versus density relation in star forming cores

15h20-15h30 Kate Pattle: The JCMT Bistro survey: the evolution of magnetic fields in filamentary structures

15h30-15h45 BREAK

15h45-16h15 Michał Hanasz: Cosmic ray-driven dynamics of the ISM

16h15-16h25 Marco Padovani: The double signature of local cosmic-ray acceleration in star-forming regions

16h25-16h35 Lucia Armillota: Cosmic-ray transport in simulations of star forming disk galaxies

16h35-16h45 Philipp Girichidis: Magnetic fields and cosmic rays in the interstellar medium

16h45-16h55 Brandt Gaches: Turbulent magnetic reconnection as a cosmic-ray accelerator in molecular clouds

16h55-17h05 Andrea Bracco: The Galactic multiphase and magnetized neutral hydrogen seen by LOFAR

17h05-17h15 Archana Soam: On the collisional dis-alignment of dust grains in illuminated and shaded regions of IC 63

17h15-17h30 BREAK

V - Feedback processes - galactic scales (chairs: Charles Aouad; Thomas Bisbas)

17h30-18h00 Oscar Agertz: The impact of stellar feedback on galactic scales

18h00-18h10 Jyoti Yadav: Study of star formation and AGN activity in closely interacting galaxies

18h10-18h20 Benjamim Keller: Empirically motivated feedback: informing simulations with observations

18h20-18h30 Kathryn Kreckel: Building a comprehensive view of HII region abundance variations across nearby galaxies

18h30-18h40 Kastytis Zubovas: ISM kinematics can help unveil the activity histories of of their host galaxies

18h40-18h50 Cecilia Bacchini: Evidence for supernova feedback sustaining gas turbulence in nearby star-forming galaxies

18h50-19h00 Vadim Semenov: Getting the right pitch with the tuning fork: modeling decorrelation of young stars and dense gas in galaxies

19h00-19h10 Samantha Benincasa: BESPOKE galaxy samples: a new way to study the ISM and feedback in galaxy simulations

19h10-19h20 Melanie Chevance: Feedback-driven molecular cloud lifecycles in 50 nearby galaxies

19h20-19h30 Clare Dobbs: Molecular clouds and cluster formation along spiral arms with photoionizing feedback

19h30-19h40 Pratik Gandhi: Supernova rates on FIRE: investigating metallicity-dependent Type Ia rate models across a wide range of galaxy masses

19h40-19h45 BREAK

19h45-20h20 Flash presentations

20h20-20h45 Discussion

go to: Day 1, Day 3, Day 4