The Popcorn Trials

May 16, 2013

[narniagirl11 edited out a book discussion that took place in the middle of the trials]

Tenethia: *shares around popcorn* boy, it's quiet in here again

Kestrel: Am I guilty?

Tenethia: of not coming around much, or of making it quiet, or of something else?

Tenethia: *puts on Judge Tenny hat* You, Kestrel Hawkness, art hereby charged of the crimes of 1. not coming around much 2. making the chatroom quiet. and 3. Something unknown. How do you plead?

Kristi: And of not partaking of the popcorn


Tenethia: oh that's right

Kristi: Oh wait, is that the sentence?

Tenethia: GASP

Kristi: Sentence first, verdict afterwards?

The Happy Islander: Popcorn should be the sentence. *nods wisely*

The Happy Islander: Yes, sentence first!

Tenethia: *Shrugs* this is Judge Tenny. I really don't know anything about being one, but it's worth a shot

Kestrel: Can I plead somewhat guilty?

Tenethia: *peers*

Tenethia: *speaks with the jury*

The Happy Islander: We can wait for the verdict until after the popcorn's all been eaten

Kestrel: Yes, let's. I'm not the world's greatest fan of popcorn.

The Happy Islander: *is hungry* *will eat popcorn for you*

Tenethia: *iz on her second full bag today; loves her kind, loving, popcorn giving neighbor*

Tenethia: Kestrel Hawkness, you have pled guilty on all accounts. Do you have anything to say in your defense? (/I/ wouldn't...)

Tenethia: (I added the guilty on all accounts, since that just makes it easier)

Tenethia: (*iz JUST*)

Kestrel: (Why didn't I do Mock Trial? -.-)

Tenethia: *snicker*

Kestrel: To the first accusation, I can only say that a certain program entitled Speech and Debate has prohibited me from 'coming around much'.

Kestrel: To the second, THAT IS NOT MY FAULT

Kestrel: And to the third...well...I plead totally and completely guilty. I probably did /something/ today...

Tenethia: Kestrell Hawkness, who would you accuse of the second crime?

The Happy Islander: The second was prolly the giraffe's fault for being too big and scary.

Tenethia: I'd have to agree. Arrest that giraffe!

Kestrel: I do agree with the personage The Happy Islander, otherwise known as Islie.

The Happy Islander: Hee

Tenethia: (*bonks chat*)

The Happy Islander: *is /such/ a scary harmless giraffe!*

Tenethia: arrest that giraffe!

Tenethia: (her trial to be held afterwards)

Kestrel: Yes, Your Honor.

Tenethia: I was talking to Hummy

The Happy Islander: *is bigger and scarier than Hummy*

Tenethia: you remain where you are, Kestrel Hawkness

Tenethia: Engee! Arrest Islie!

Tenethia: with Hummy's help

narniagirl11: Woah!

narniagirl11: Why? What did you do?

The Happy Islander: I was big.

Tenethia: she's being tried after this next trial is finished

Tenethia: for making everyone in the chatroom go quiet because she was too big, and harmlessly scary

narniagirl11: Who are you trying first?

Tenethia: Kestrel Hawkness

narniagirl11: *refuses to arrest her giraffe buddy* You'll have to arrest me too!

Tenethia: Kestrel Hawkness, I hereby proclaim you innocent of the second accusation

Tenethia: *arrests Engee /and/ Islie*

Tenethia: (and don't you even /try/ to resist arrest, you guys)

Tenethia: (you've got a big enough rap as it is)

The Happy Islander: Hey, I willingly admitted to being a big, scary, harmless giraffe.

narniagirl11: Pleading guilty?

The Happy Islander: *is arrested* *noms on the bars of her cell*

Kestrel: *just noticed that I never was actually arrested*

Tenethia: ugh

The Happy Islander: Yuck! Giraffes do /not/ like metal bars!

narniagirl11: Are they pretzel?

The Happy Islander: Somebody should feed the giraffe.

narniagirl11: Oh, I guess that answers it.

The Happy Islander: Where'd that popcorn go?

Kestrel: Kestrelhawks don't bother with cell bars unless they're CAGE bars...

Tenethia: Kestrel Hawkness, you have pleaded guilty to the other two crimes. I hereby sentence you to... feed the giraffe!

Kestrel: What do I feed the giraffe, Your Honor?

The Happy Islander: Feed the giraffe with popcorn!

Tenethia: Popcorn, Kestrel Hawkness

narniagirl11: Lol!

The Happy Islander: Popcorn! Popcorn!

Tenethia: Take her away, officer

narniagirl11: What officer?

The Happy Islander: Good question, Arna

Tenethia: the invisible one

Tenethia: Narniagirl11, please proceed to the... somethingorother

The Happy Islander: *will share popcorn with Arna*

Tenethia: (poor jars of clay - walking in on this.)

The Happy Islander: *hopes we didn't scare jarsofclay away with our insanity*

Tenethia: (yeah, Islie)

Kestrel: *flies in a bag of popcorn to the imprisoned giraffe*

Tenethia: Narniagirl11, you are accused of nothing. How do you plead?

narniagirl11: Uh, guilty for refusing to arrest Islie.

The Happy Islander: Oh, goody! Popcorn! *nom, nom!* Thankee, Kestrel! *shares popcorn with Arna*

narniagirl11: Nom, nom, yeah ;D

Tenethia: Narnia Girl Eleven, you have pleaded guilty.

narniagirl11: Yep

Tenethia: I hereby sentence you to grab this chat log as soon as I have tried Islie

The Happy Islander: .oO (We's a bunch of criminals?)

Tenethia: Yup

narniagirl11: I have to go. I'll be back in a bit.

The Happy Islander: *hugs Arna*

Tenethia: (ok, just please don't forget )

Tenethia: *hugs Engee*

narniagirl11: *beings to sing* We are criminals! *poofs*

Kestrel: Did the defendant just...leave?

Tenethia: what's a defendant?

Kestrel: Never mind...*bops internet*

Kestrel: The person being accused

Tenethia: Happy Islander, please proceed to the whatchamacallit

The Happy Islander: *proceeds to said whatchamacallit, narrowly missing hitting her head on a stray chandelier or two*

Tenethia: haha

The Happy Islander: *wonders if Tenny's a criminal as well*

Tenethia: Happy Islander, you have been accused of the not-crime of being big and scary. How do you plead?

Tenethia: (does impersonating a judge count as a crime?)

The Happy Islander: (sure)

The Happy Islander: I plead guilty of being a tall giraffe.

The Happy Islander: Well, short for a giraffe, but rather taller than anyone else present.

Tenethia: Islie, you have pleaded guilty. I hereby sentence you to be yourself, leave prison, and... eat the rest of that popcorn

The Happy Islander: Oh, ok. *leaves prison and eats popcorn* *nom, nom!*

Tenethia: *takes off judge hat*

Kestrel: My Attorney friends in Youth in Government force-taught me some of the language of the court

The Happy Islander: I think Tenny should get a trial, too, so she doesn't feel left out.

Tenethia: be back after a little bit

Tenethia: (in a couple minutes mom needs her computer)

The Happy Islander: *hugs Tenny*

Tenethia: *Goes mobile*

Tenethia: *hands Islie the judge hat*

The Happy Islander: Kristi, it appears that me being taller than everyone else present is a criminal offense.

Kristi: Yes.

The Happy Islander: *puts on judge hat* Who am I judging? Tenny?

Tenethia: apparently. I trust you

Kestrel: And the crime is?

The Happy Islander: *doesn't want to be a judge* *hands judge hat to Kestrel*

The Happy Islander: *hides from judge hat*

Kestrel: *puts on judge hat*

The Happy Islander: Eep! Scary judge hat!

Kestrel: *somehow judge hat slips over kestrelhawk's tiny birdie head*

Tenethia: *hides from Kestrel*

Kestrel: Tenethia South, you stand accused of the not-crime-at-all of not having been tried yet. How do you plead?

Tenethia: *weeps* guilty

The Happy Islander: *hands weeping hobbit-horse a handkerchief*

Tenethia: *takes*

The Happy Islander: oO(Does Kristi get a trial too?)


Kestrel: (if she wants one)

Kestrel: (although i'm a harsh judge so...)

The Happy Islander: We have to finish /your/ trial first, Ten.

Tenethia: *giggles*

Kestrel: Are there any witnesses to this crime? If so, please step forward.

The Happy Islander: Uh...

Tenethia: Islie chooses to be a silent witness

The Happy Islander: Oh

Kestrel: As long as The Happy Islander was a witness to the defendant Tenethia South's not-crime of not having been tried, we are good to go.

The Happy Islander: goody

Kestrel: Tenethia South, you have been tried and found guilty of the not-crime-at-all of not having had a trial yet.

Tenethia: yup that's right

Kestrel: I hereby pronounce this sentence: You have now been tried, so the charge is invalid. However, there must be a sentence, and the judgehawk is hungry, so...

Kestrel: You must bring some not-popcorn food to the judgekestrelhawk.

Tenethia: *hands popcorn*

The Happy Islander: .oO(What would Kristi be guilty of? Can't exactly try her for liking good values in books)

Tenethia: Kristi is guilty of being not guilty

The Happy Islander: Wait, Kristi hasn't been tried yet, dear!

The Happy Islander: She can be accused of being not guilty, but she can't be found to be guilty of being not-guilty until she's been tried.

Tenethia: oh

narniagirl11: *is back*

Tenethia: *hands brownies*

The Happy Islander: Hi, Arna! We're having more trials!

The Happy Islander: Apparently we like this game.

Kestrel: That poses a paradox...

Tenethia: please none of those

Kestrel: If she's found to be guilty of being not-guilty, she is no longer guilty of being not-guilty, which means she's not guilty, which means that she's guilty...


narniagirl11: Yikes!

narniagirl11: That's...complicated.

The Happy Islander: (Ten, here's some non-popcorn lollipops to offer Kes)

Kestrel: Idea!

Tenethia: I should place charges on Islie for doing some paradoxy

The Happy Islander: Hey, I've /already/ had my trial! It's Kristi's turn!

Tenethia: and Kestrel for bringing it up

Kestrel: Let us charge Kristi Fisherdess with the charge of inducing a paradox on the community!

Kristi: i must go. Photos to take for work!

Tenethia: riiiiiight

narniagirl11: *smirk*

Kestrel: And...there goes the defendant.

The Happy Islander: *hugs Kristi*

Kestrel: *snugs Kristi*

Tenethia: YES! We can place her on house arrest

The Happy Islander: Ha!

Kestrel: Good idea tenny!

Tenethia: *hugs Kristi* you are found guilty by the jury and are now under house arrest. bye!

The Happy Islander: Somebody had better remember to tell Kristi that she's under house arrest when she gets back.

Tenethia: yeah

narniagirl11: Haha

The Happy Islander: We're NEVER insane around here...

narniagirl11: Riiiight!

Kestrel: Of course not.

Tenethia: neeeever

The Happy Islander: *thinks that a TLC-size dose of insanity is good for the health*

Tenethia: it is

narniagirl11: Very much so, Islie.

Addendum, May 17, 2013

The Happy Islander: Oh, by the way, Kristi, did anyone tell you that Tenny and Kestrel placed you under house arrest last night?

The Happy Islander: .oO(We got a little carried away with our trials last night... Tenny and Kes were interesting judges)

Kristi: Whose house?

The Happy Islander: *doesn't know* :p

Ajnos: Can she be house arrested in my house?

The Happy Islander: I was just the giraffe who was found guilty of being significantly taller than everyone else present. :p

The Happy Islander: @Aj: That... could be cool :)

Kristi: Ooh yes

Kristi: As long as the government pays for transport

The Happy Islander: Hee :)

Kristi: oh wait...we are the government.

The Happy Islander: :p

Ajnos: Also that would be kinda illegal

The Happy Islander: Heh

Ajnos: Official college rules say you're not allowed guests staying in your room. Though technically...she's not a guest.

The Happy Islander: *snerks*

Ajnos: The rules say nothing about prisoners

The Happy Islander: Well, Kristi's allowed to be house arrested at /my/ house! :p

The Happy Islander: Hee :)