Dream versus Subconscious Mind

Monday, April 1, 2013

Dream: Once upon a time, there was a squirrel. It was looking for a mome rath, so it took you with it to talk to the Great Hedgehog. You asked the Great Hedgehog where to find whatever you and the octopus were looking for (you could not remember what is was, and, by the way, you were now swimming in a lake). The Great Stingray of the North told you to swim towards the Nonestic Ocean until the water turned sweet, and then you would find a friendly sea serpent to help you. But when you got there, there were no more cookies in the cookie jar, so you went to play the piano again. Touching the keys lightly, you found, to your dismay, that no sound at all was being produced, so you...

Subplot: The butterfly flitted here and there, lazily landing on a flower at last. It was a female blue, a bit worn, but still easily identified.

Dream: ... decided to sing "My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean" instead.

Subconscious Mind: Wait, weren't we looking for something? And what happened to the squirrel? And what's with the cookie jar? Back it up! Let's try and be a bit more consistent this time!

Dream: Once upon a time, you were a squirrel. You were looking for an acorn. Finding a nice big one, you grabbed it and would have hidden it in your stash, but a mome rath was watching you. So you went to visit the Wise Stingray of the North, who told you where to buy mome rath traps.

Subplot: The butterfly flew away, startled at a sudden movement. A mome rath snuffled through the meadow towards the place where the butterfly had been.

Dream: So the squirrel ran home to invite the mome rath to dinner. They had a wonderful visit, but when the mome rath went to play the piano, the piano made no noise.

Subconscious Mind: o.O Where did inviting the mome rath to dinner come from?! This is supposed to be a quest! Try it again!

Dream: Once upon a time, there was a princess who had run away from home with her pet squirrel. They were looking for the Good Mome Rath of the South. On their way, they found a butterfly.

Subplot: The mome rath thoughtfully sniffed the flower which the butterfly had been sitting on. A hedgehog wandered by, too, riding a horse. The mome rath climbed up on the horse's back with the hedgehog, and they galloped off into the setting sun.

Dream: When the princess and her pet caterpillar reached the Good Quail of the South, the Quail told them that the turtle they were seeking could only be found by walking backwards for an entire day. The princess bravely accepted this challenge and went on her backwards way with her pet bunny in her arms. By the time the princess had reached the ruins that the Great Octopus of Euralia had sent her to find, she and her bunny were tired, so they lay down to sleep. But the princess, in a fuzzy sort of way, kept on remembering she was supposed to do something. Opening her eyes, she saw a brown bear looking at her. Was she supposed to kiss it? Yes, she remembered, so she kissed its paw. It turned into a handsome prince. After thanking her for disenchanting him, he opened his mouth once again to say...

Youngest Sister: It's morning! You're not supposed to be in bed!

This is not based on a real dream.

I've been having too many disturbed nights and not-so-nice dreams lately (though not nightmares! :D), so writing this helped me put a more whimsical spin on that. Kinda comforting, actually. ;) Especially since I'm trying to avoid having nightmares tonight... [...]


  • Swanwhite, April 1, 2013 at 8:39 PM
    *chuckles and grins* This is a merry tale and true to the manner of dreams :) It's an interesting relationship, balance even, between what you see in a dream and the control or influence you have on it. This is a good description of that and it captures the rhythm and tone of a dream :)

    • Mariah, April 1, 2013 at 8:56 PM
      :) Glad you like it
      -Isliesis :)

  • Lilly, April 4, 2013 at 10:17 AM
    I like it too!

    • Mariah, April 4, 2013 at 11:31 AM
      YAY! :D
      Hummy was a bit iffy about the mome rath traps...
      -Islietwin :)