Final results and evaluation of the project.

Here is our book of legend


  • The students expressed their opinion about the project through a questionnaire (Results) which was filled in the computer lab by all of them (the questionnaire was filled by all the pupils together in Martinique )
  • Pupils in Martinique also realized that they worked a lot in English and with new technologies. In fact , they have also made tremendous progress in their mother tongue (French) , in oral and written expression, and in all the domains of learning . They were able to develop transversal/interdisciplinary skills such as : learning to live together, to cooperate, to open up , to respect each others , to undertake responsibilities.
  • This project allows young pupils (of mixed ability ,including those with learning difficulties) to produce beautiful productions . Pupils who have difficulty producing individually, were involved in their project , and they were able to produce a quality writing .in collaboration with the classmates and due to the fact that they felt urged by the correspondents . It was a great success.They all hope that their work will be recognized and rewarded with a quality label.
  • The students were awarded a congratulations certificate for their participation in the project. This happened in the morning assembly of the school and everybody was informed about our work.

School P. Faliro

School Léon Lin

Ø Our final product and relevant information was uploaded on our school site. (Greece)

In conclusion, everybody was happy and excited working in this project. All students had the opportunity to contribute in this work according to their abilities and special skills and expressed their wish to participate in an e Twinning project again. We all evaluate this work absolutely positively.

  • All our work can be seen in our Twinspace