International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets (ISCOM) 

 September 22 –27, 2024, Anchorage, Alaska 

organizers: Natalia Drichko (Johns Hopkins) and Jan Musfeldt (Tennessee)

The 15th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors, and Magnets (ISCOM) will be held on September 22 – 27, 2024 in Anchorage,  Alaska (USA). 

The focus of this topical workshop is molecular materials. We are striving for balance between theory and experiment with coverage of many contemporary issues. 

Reduced registration deadline is 1st of August

New at ISCOM 2024:  Sunday tutorials for young researchers

John Schlueter (U. S. National Science Foundation): Design, Synthesis, and Discovery of Crystalline Molecular Quantum Materials

Sumit Mazumdar (University of Arizona) : Theory of conducting and magnetic properties of  molecular materials 

Kazushi Kanoda (University of Tokyo/Max Planck Institute, Stuttgart):               Organic spin liquids and Mott insulators 

Jose Baldovi (University of Valencia): Molecular materials for quantum information 

Chuck Agosta (Clark University): Database for crystalline organic conductors and superconductors

New at ISCOM 2024:  Session on metal-organic frameworks as quantum materials supported by ICAM

Topics include

Important dates

We gratefully acknowledge the following sponsors:

Supporting our event at the Anchorage Museum

Supporting our venue at the Captain Cook Hotel

Supporting the MOF session @ ISCOM 2024

Funding our venue at the Captain Cook Hotel

Supporting the high field session in honor of Dr. Jamie Manson

Funding our session on ferroics and chirality