Is There a Cure To Cancer

The age-old question, is there a cure to cancer? If there is a cure to cancer, it has to be the human body itself. Even a liver cancer cure is not impossible. If we give the body what it needs, we’d be amazed at its healing powers. The trick is to know what to give it.

We also need to know what to stop giving it, because healing cancer is not just taking the right foods, but also eliminating the ones that feed the cancer. One of the worst things for cancer is flesh foods - if we were meant to be carnivores, we would have been designed that way. However, our anatomy is more suited to herbivore, and the healing of many diseases can be found in that simple truth.

Another thing to avoid is sugar in any form. Cancer thrives on sugar, so that’s one thing that can help treat the cancer - eliminate sugar to help eliminate the cancer. One exception to that rule is where we might use the sugar as bait, or as a carrier to deliver a substance that’s like poison to the cancer cell.

If there is a cure to cancer, then that single natural treatment is a big help in achieving the result. That, plus many other natural cancer treatments and cancer-fighting foods is covered in the book Fighting Cancer with Food - Diet Food for Cancer Patients and Healing Cancer Naturally.