Cancer Treatment Alternatives to Chemo

People searching for chemo alternatives and those wanting a cancer treatment alternative often forget to turn to nature for an answer. We forget that many of our modern-day drugs are derived from natural substances provided by nature. The fact that natural substances found in nature cannot be patented, led to the development of synthetic drugs, where the molecular structure of the natural substance is altered a little to allow it to be patented. But that manipulation often has side effects.

Some might think there’s no alternatives to chemo, but others believe there are. A simple food combination of two unlikely substances, one sweet and the other highly alkaline, has been likened to a natural chemo, but without the side effects. It revolves around the fact that cancer is an acidic condition and it craves sugar to survive, so by combining a sweet substance, such as maple syrup to use as bait, along with a highly alkaline substance like bicarbonate of soda, the cancer sucks in the sweet and drags the alkaline in with it. Baking soda is like a poison to cancer, but the combination needs to be done in specific quantities to be effective.

Such chemo alternatives is just one cancer treatment alternative covered in the book Fighting Cancer with Food. The above link is for the e book version and it’s also available in amazon paperback books.